Sunday, July 22, 2007
i am in super duper fucking hot soup.i cant find my organiser !!!!! think its in the CC.cause that was where i last took it out to note down some important dates.its not the damn organiser that's important cause its replacable and it was free.its the precious pen by a precious some one.and there's this other thing inside which isn't important.its just that it would be troublesome to get a replacement.but the pen, my god, its the damn pen. i dunno what on earth is wrong with me. i keep losing things.i lost hell alot of expensive things already. usually 2 baby g watches, one dopod, the pen, a wallet with 26 bucks i think.that wallet left me heart broken and i stole from everyone just to get back my 26.i remember i hated everyone for my lost, it was a heart break. was primary 3, nearly stole 50 at one shot, too bad too many people got involved.including all the DMs at pri 5. so i played the good guy, look i found it.but nonono, not this time. i cant lose this thing. if i lose it i'll be left with the ink refill. dumb fuck.i am gonna slaughter who ever doesn't allow me to get in the room tomorrow.
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 23:13