her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 01:59
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
just ended a dota match with my younger about 40 mins back ..
the 2 of us vs 5 insane coms , he's brood mother & me anti-mage ..
bloody hell he scored like 60+ kills la and i only scored nearly 20 ..
must train my anti mage again plus my troll berseker ..
i still dunno how to use some characters though ..
some are plain boring , like the sniper and the dragon knight ..
i wish you could just stop raising ur voice at me ..
speak to me nicely like you used too ..
maybe its because you are stress with your school work and stuff ..
i dont know , but it some how is different already ..
hmm , this short random entry shall end here ..
oh yeah , the mahler post was not meant to
place any stress on anyone la guys hahah ..
kk take care readers
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 00:50
Sunday, August 20, 2006
had band today , shiok man ..
played quite a number of fun pieces including POC ..
finally we are gonna play it , photo copied it already ..
shall start working on it tml , maybe mvt 3 ?
more like revision actually haha ..
and we are gonna play mahler 1 again , but cant remember when ..
i guess for those of us who didn't managed to play our best during the concert ,
including me , its like a 2nd chance bah ..
this time round we can do it much better i believe ..
tried saga candida , oboe concerto and a few other pieces ..
oh its easier to "catch" samurai now haha ..
quite an exciting piece i must say , all though it sounds all over the place ..
but i find it quite fun , give that kinda rush rush feeling when you
are trying to come in correctly and stuff hahah ..
i really lack practice , sound so horrible now ..
to shrill and thin already , need to put on more weight on my tone ,
make it fat make it round , make it every girl's nightmare hehe ..
okie , best thing is , the clarinet section has got 3 new members haha ..
and they are none other than vanessa , eileen and samual ..
which hopefully equals to less scolding for mahler hahah ..
got 3 more power house for mahler hahah , means we dont need
to burn so much petrol as before for mahler le haha ..
hope we have a fun time playing music together ..
kk thats all for band , i am damn bored ..
don't know what am i gonna do tomorrow ..
i have already planned my lunch haha , 2 chicken chop set meal ..
its waiting for me in the fridge , just have to heat it up tomorrow hahah ..
sneaking out to meet denise ? not sure ..
besides i have got to check with her whether she's free too ..
come to think of it , i am glad i took the chance to ask for a patch ..
made me happier person with her in my life ..
yes we do have quarrels and stuff but yeah , that comes in the package ..
alright , thats just some out of the blue stuff that
just came to my mind and i typed it down ..
okie , shall practice POC when i get up tml ,
have my lunch after that then maybe slack a little ..
maybe i shall game a little , watch the fishes swim around ,
watch the dogs play , smack some mosquitos ..
hmmm .. really dunno what to do after lunch haha ..
shall see tomorrow ..
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 21:18
Friday, August 18, 2006
hahah , went searching for my biohazard false ear plug
when i woke this morning , and yesh , my effort paid off ..
searched the dust bins but they were all emptied le ..
so i went to the dinning table racky around the pile of news papers
, papers , receipts , invoices , what have you , and wa la ..
there it was hahah , so i just took it ..
my dear ear plug , so glad to have u back ..
muacks muacks muacks ..
kk , haha , plans have been made to meet denise tomorrow ..
though i am not sure if i can go out but hack ..
i got to get out to meet her , cant stand being in this house any longer ..
its so so boring la , dont feel like playing my clarinet all of a sudden ..
you know , that kinda feeling when u are at home and u just feel so odd ..
doesn't feel the same as when you are playing around your band mates ..
anyway , she wans to eat holland village's laksa ..
making me hungry already , i am addicted to chilli nowadays ..
its like every meal my have chilli ..
and depending on what i eat , i must have different types of chilli
to go along with it , cut chilli or blah chang or wasabe , see what i am eating la ..
ok , shall go racky the kitchen tonight ..
see what food do we have in the cupboards and fridge ..
i know i have got an apple in there , lotsa ham , cheese what else ?
oh we have bread and lunchon meat and camp bell soup and maggie mee ..
hahah , so much junk food hahah ..
never mind , as long as it can fill my grumbling stomach i guess its ok ..
shall spoil myself later , with junk food haha ..
i feeling like having sirloin steak , pork ribs , mash potatoes ,
french fries , sushi ..
oh we have got chicken pie from DON hahah ..
great m then i dun needa cook or anything , its all going down my stomach hhaha ..
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 22:30
oh yeah i am officially fucking grounded haha ..
so damn grounded , the worst grounding session ever i guess ..
kk , anyway i'll find a way to escape ..
and oh no , my $13 biohazard ear plug got confiscated ..
i guess its in the bin now , so sad la , its the only "pure" pair left ..
lucky he doesn't know i have 2 more studs in my car boot ..
my Z4 car model's boot that is, the one parked on my shelf ..
so sorry darling , now that i am grounded , we cant really meet that as often as we would like too now ..
anyway , nearly got chased out of the house ..
why ? because i tried to defend / reason out that denise is not the cause of me piercing my ear or dying my hair ..
u guys saw her before , and your say before i even bring her home i am already causing ur to dislike her , well fuck u chee byes , your can say what your want , at the end of the day the person with the final say to remain with her a not lies with me ..
i rather leave house then break up with her ,
she has a family , a real family , a family that loves each other ,
protects each other , grooms each other , a warm , loving , peaceful family ..
yeah they may not be rich at all , they live in a small - medium
size HDB flat unlike us ..
but at least they are so much more of a family then this house hold is ..
i can chit chat with her family over dinner , laugh and stuff with them ..
if any of our family members were to do that ..
90% of the time it wouldn't end up in arguements ..
i love her family , i really love it , guess this family
just doesn't have what it takes ..
it just doesn't have that X-factor bonding ..
or maybe its because i spent the first 11 years of my life
in a different family , one quite similar to denise's and thats y i
prefer that kinda family and therefore expect that kind of family life ..
and also maybe because of that period i was away , my upbringing is
some what different , thats why we cant see eye to eye on certain issues ..
a family with a loving mother and a family without one
truely return different results , no matter how similar the rest
of the family structure is , the mother plays the most important role ..
u know what , i guess i don really care much about this place ?
chased out than chased out bah , always get threatened with the same stuff , repeatedly ..
even if i have to sleep under void decks , i wont say sorry ..
anyway u have so 5 children , 1 gone le , another 1 go also no big deal , family name still goes on and the rest of the 3 would still be around ..
dunno what to do with all the time that i'll be spending at home ..
it could be put to good use though ..
practice my clarinet , exercise a little more ,
read more books haha , see what else can i think of ..
gaming ? nah thats not something productive , but hack , its kills time ..
studying , k thats way out of the question ..
it puts me to sleep faster than my sleeping pills do haha ..
the worst enemy that i have to face off with is myself ..
i cant stand confinement in one area , bigger space is better ..
but being grounded , man its gonna kill me ..
i like freedom , i should be in the United States of something ..
or maybe i should just cause im to blow his top
so that he'll chase me out of the house ..
than i can learn to be more independent , ok ,
housing will be provided by a few people , thats already settled ..
money , there's so many ways to earn it ..
there are frail old people , school children , weaker peers
all around us if we realise ..
be it psycholigically or physically weak haha ,
the stronger ones always survive ..
k i can get a few lobangs i for jobs also la just a bit out of the way
and i require some capital for transport ..
haiz , so sian leh , i am really gonna miss u denise ..
its like only sat or sun than we'll be able to meet ..
all because of that playful decision hahah , k thats my fault i admit ..
i'll try to come out on sat , then we shall go racky around for ur stuff ..
hope we'll be able to get what you want ..
that bitch of a woman which brought me wailing into this world must have nagged repeatedly after the call ..
if not he wouldn't be so mad ..
what the fuck ..
guess i am damn pissed off already , or is it more of dissappointment ?
i need some band practice , some seductively tough music ..
so that i can engross myself in it , be oblivious to the world around me ..
than at least i can enjoy a moment of happiness , esctacy if u would say ..
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 00:23
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
yesh , finally band practices are gonna resume ..
its this sunday 20th august , cant wait to see everybody again ..
though i guess there will be lesser of us as some of our
band mates are having their A levels this year :(
anyway the main thing is , SWO is gonna resume hahah
a place to enjoy , make music , interact with friends ,
have fun , learn and best of all it gives me something
to look forward to at the end of the week ..
when you really love something that you are doing ,
i guess you'll never grow bored or tired of it ..
i guess you'll never understand how i feel ..
keeping silent just because i dun wanna make things ugly ,
doesn't mean i have no limit to my tolerance level ..
not saying that your cant be friends or anything ..
i wont restrict you at all ..
but the 3 of us know what has happened before ..
even if u don find it awkward , the 2 guys will k ..
and if he doesn't mind it too , then i gt nth to say ..
but don expect me to be around when he is around ..
if u think that i am too sensitive then alright ,
have it your way , i wont say anything anymore
but dont expect me to be sensitive about your feelings as well ..
you can do what u want and i'll do what i want , if that's what u want ..
i told you before but you just dont wanna listen ,
what more can i say ..
i guess today was the last straw , u have max the limit ..
and i really do not need you to tell him whats going
on in our relationship behind my back cause i do not
need a third party like person to tell me what to do ..
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 21:30
Sunday, August 13, 2006
shall decide on whether to get the ear plug / ring tml ..
like the biohazard ear plug and the black plastic earring ..
which should i get , maybe tml go and see again , decide on the spot
whether i am buying then meet darling after that ..
today's so darn boring , wasted my precious life away at home ..
sunday and the whole house is dead ..
so peaceful without my nagging mother ..
ok save the yogi the bitch , she was barking at everything that
moved passed the house gates ..
decided to play with her , took her mini soccer ball and played fetch with her ..
after a few throws , i decided to try something ..
i threw the ball into the small pond at the front porch ..
guess what , she went straight into the pond , not even minding the
water sprinkling onto her from the water feature ..
anyway she just walked right in , got her ball ..
and came running back to me , happy as ever ..
haha , she really is a big baby , still a has the puppy mentality ..
anyway lunch sucked , they didnt buy back lunch for me ..
so i just the few baos in the microwave ..
dinner was nice , had bah cho mee with lotsa chilli hahah ..
great stall , at nanking row , pickering street , opposite the 7-11 ..
and back home again , got a surprise for darling ..
hope she likes it , its not what she would really want ,
but i cant find anything cuter than that ..
i mean the one she would really want is not avaliable la ..
so i chose the next cutest stuff there ..
man i love to love this gal of mine , muacks denise :)
so yeah , haha , what can i say ..
love has a blinding effect hahah ,
gets u hooked onto another person ..
tummy muscles are aching a little ..
did more than 110 crunches today , a big jump from yesterday's record ..
shall try to maintain it for this week ..
then i can get a nicer body hahah , lesser fats , make the best of my body has :)
i dunno why , but girls like guys with nice bodies ,
works the same way as why guys like girls with nice bodies i guess ..
anyway darling likes it , so why not hahah , exercising is healthy too ..
marcus and dad said before that it would be good to start
training a little first before i enter NS , at least then
it wouldn;t be so tough for me ..
shall wait for darling to finish her P.W ..
then i shall turn in after that ..
i miss u miss u miss u miss u ..
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 23:22
back to blog , went shopping with darling today ...
first at J8 then proceeded on to plaza sing ..
bought a shirt from J8 , samual & kevin , quite nice and cheap ..
saw some nice ear studs , darling dun let me buy ..
feel like expading my ear hole then insert one of those flesh tunnels ,
but darling say no , haha , so i shall not do so ..
later darling angry , haha and that would be the end of me ..
kk , followed her to this shop at P.S ..
man that shop has everything , literally everything ..
including tons of girls , like the most i have ever seen in any shop :X
anyway here are some pics of the fire works display ..
not very well taken , a little blur , but ya , this is as good as it gets
especially with hands like mind ...

her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 00:39
Friday, August 11, 2006
its our 5th month today , okie yesterday , nearly an hour back le ..
its quite fast come to think of it ..
ok at one point it seemed so slow , that a day in reality seemed like 2 or 3 ..
but hey , time flies as they say , the past is the past anyway ..
so many things happened , wonder what would life have been like for the pass 5 months if she never accepted me as her bf ..
maybe i would have given up and continue on with my "game"
but i dun give up till i get what i want anyway , usually ..
kk , i already have her !!! the wonderful denise tan ** *** ..
and i would like to thank god for her , muacks jesus , muacks mary , muacks god , muacks to whoever else that stays in heaven ..
would ring u guys if ur had a phone system , nvm , next tiem see ur in person than thank ur properly k hahah ..
k i just couldn't do without seeing her any longer , so i just made my way to her place after sch ..
wait i last met her on wed before thursday , less then 24 hours apart , seems like ages though ..
anyway ya , went to her place , its a feeling words cant describe ..
to just be around someone u cant do without ..
watched Star Wars Episode 3 with sean while she was doing her work ..
than watched cartoons , and after a while , she joined us and poor sean got " chased " away hhaha , what a mean sister hahah ..
kk , fun was over and stuff , made my way home ..
did my daily exercise with some changes , applied different techniques ..
tiring , brought my usual amount of exercise down by half but left me just as tired ..
and with aching arms and body , would most likely be doing jogging
after this ghost month is up ..
the neighbourhood not very " clean " ..
this month , yogi just refuse to walk at certain streets at night ..
keep pulling my dad back when they reach those same few streets ..
if he try to urge her forward , she'll just sit on the ground and bow her head ..
and my mom saw something , doesn't help that there's a mini jungle
just behind my my house , so freaky ..
kk , all the freaky stuff behind , blogging this now ..
and shall end here , nth much anyway :)
love u loads darling , muacks
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 00:47
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
here is a tiny part of the life of a boi that few really know ..
this entry is meant for his darling ..
this little boi first saw that girl after a concert he had played in ..
" my gosh , what a beauty " he thought ..
he just couldn't help stealing glances a her now and then throughout
the entire bus ride home ..
after that they went their own ways at the mrt station ,
at that point of time , relationships were still a game to him ,
though he wanted to really be serious , he couldn't help but wanna
explore other girls around him , so many girls , all unique ..
he just couldn't get enough ..
anyway , god knows what happened , he changed bit by bit
as he knew he girl better ..
he changed from wanting to play with her , to wanting to
be a good bf , even his friends said that he was lying ,
"dun siao la u, sure play around one , u and ur brothers all the same , one girl not enough one, always change girls like no one's business, dun try la it runs in ur blood"
they always joked this way ..
after some time , they knew each other alot more ,
and they got together on the 10th march 06 ..
it was her heart , she for who she was that
melted him and really changed his mind set ..
she was the one that made him decided to change ..
it wasn't an over night thing and it wasn't easy for him ..
what she saw in him , he didn't know ..
then came the obstacles along the way ,
objections to the relationship , fear of parents finding out ..
her studies , they couldn't really meet cause their sch timings clashed ..
they made it through quite alot of it surprisingly ..
what the silly little boi didnt know was that he was in some ways
still treating her like the way he treated the others ..
he wanted to be a gd bf but he just didnt know how to ..
the girl got so pissed off one day she lefted him ..
man he was heart broken , the first time in his life he couldn't
sleep well for many days , dreaming of her whenever he fell asleep ..
thinking of her whenever he was awake ..
missed entire days of school , lucky he had his friends ..
they called him a few times a day , did fun things with him ,
they tried to keep him busy , taking him out all over where
ever they went but he was still a mess in the inside ..
only then did he realised his mistake and how much she meant to him ..
after about 3 weeks he mentally drafted up a plan ..
that was his only chance at getting her back
17th june 2006 , he made plans with her to meet him that night after the concert ..
he wanted to ask her for a patch but he couldn't just say it out
in case he blew the chance ..
so he simply told her that he wanted to meet her after the concert
to chat with her for a while before sending her home ..
ok so it was done , concert ended , he sneaked out after the
main stuff was done , ran off to meet her and soon they were
on their way to the esplanade , along the way he did the same thing
that got them together and it worked ..
he was kinda surprised too , he expected a rejection ..
so fast forward a little , he is still trying to
be an even better bf to her , still learning to
more caring more understanding ..
trying to get to know more of her friends , her family ..
did something that he would have never done
for with another girl , was surprised that he actually did it ..
they were both very happy that it turned out positive ..
he was over joyed , so excited was that little boi that
he rang up his dear aunt the next morning ..
his darling called him little boi for a reason , a good reason ..
only she knew him nearly as well as his aunt ..
yes he still does hurt her at times ..
he still does cause her to cry at times ..
but the main thing he would like her to know from this story
is that , if he minded certain things about her , he would never have done
so much all this while ..
and he would also like her to know that she is
the first girl he really ever loved ,
the first girl that he tolerates little girls's tantrums ,
the first girl that he closes 2 eyes to everything she does that he dislikes ,
the first girl whose wrong doings he would forgive and still love no lesser ,
the first girl that he learnt to love everything she loves ..
he wants to be your little boi for as long as you
wanna remain his darling ..
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 06:00
i just don get it ..
u guys stay in landed properties , a few consecutive
house in a row some more ..
owners of the fish farm qian hu , meaning u bastards are flity rich ..
but u fuckers behave like the common wet market fish mongers ..
and worst ur behave like ur children , childish and ignorant ..
u guys just have to disturb the new neighbours in this estate ..
ur children play soccer at the junction , kicking the ball
onto other people's cars , and when the owners tell them off ..
you parents are not happy about it ..
instead ur urge your kids to play more to disturb the neighbours ..
letting them race their bicycles , play soccer / badminton on the streets ..
already one of ur children has been knocked down by a merc ..
your still dun care , must wait till ur lose some one dear right ..
and knowing ur children are in the wrong ,
you guys still can tell off the neighbours ..
why do dogs bark ?
simple , cause they are dogs idiot , and they dislike people
irritating them such as throwing stones or yelling and
making monkey faces at them ..
and when the dogs bark , ur are not happy ,
say the dog noisy la this la that la ..
your should check your actions before doing anything ..
and as adults you guys should set an example for ur children too ..
this is a private estate , not some kampong ..
u only own that small little piece of land not the entire spring side ..
do u know how unsightly it is to walk around the streets half naked ?
its not like u gt a young body that can make girls get
horny and wet at one glance loh ..
look at the mirror , my gosh , full of flabs ..
even my female dog will cover her eyes with her paws ..
get a life dudes , or rather , childish , half naked ah pehs ..
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 00:06
Monday, August 07, 2006
have not blogged for a few days le ..
let me see , had my first driving lesson , practical , on sat ..
was quite fun , except that the car's reverse gear was faulty ,
so i couldn't reverse without the instructor holding on to the gear ..
it just pops back to neutral gear position , weird ..
just kept going around the circuit for quite a while ,
but it was fun ..
everywhere u see cars breaking down , starting and stopping ..
mine broke down 4 or 5 times too , released the clutch too much
when i engaged the 1st gear haha ..
than learn to turn and stuff ..
and after that , went over to darling's place ..
cant remember what were we doing ..
only that her parents were cleaning up the place here and there ..
sunday , which was 07/07/2006 ..
was supposed to meet denise at CCK MRT for church ..
just a few mins after i reached , denise text me a msg ..
" come to my house , papa sending us to church "
ok , nothing that big , just something for a change ..
sat in the back , was looking out for any cool cars ..
couldn't find any throughout the entire journey ..
aunty bought drinks for us , had cold milo ..
denise was doing some game on the papers , suduko or something ..
so anyway , attended church and stuff , so tired i kept dozing off ..
church ended , went to town , walk walk walk walk walk ..
finally decided to eat at suki sushi , first time in a jap restaurant ..
had the buffet , ate this and that , mostly the fish ..
order a few plates of different sashimi , cold tofu and steamed egg ..
ate alot la , darling was full , i felt it after a while ..
first time i had so much japanese food in a meal ..
very nice haha , darling asked why did i keep taking this 2 dishes ..
well i love it haha , i like fish , raw also nice , cooked also nice ..
put the wasabe even nicer ..
talking bout , ate the sushi with wasabe , than wanted to darling an
answer to her question , so i just took in some air through
my nose and i instantly regreted it , how could i have forgotten ..
the feeling rushed through my entire head at the back everywhere ..
what a sensation , one that would forever stay in my head haha ..
made our way to her place , yeah , again , that's where we go when we
have no other places in mind , SG is just so small ..
the whole family was home , read my book than slept ..
darling took over , she reads damn fast , ok maybe cause i am slow ..
surprisingly i fell asleep quitefast this time round ..
woke up with a headache ..
than we order dinner from mac and stuff ..
joke like mad la , only me tina and denise was left in the house ..
made denise laugh till she was lying on the floor holding her stomach ..
tina also laugh like siao , ok dunno why they just kept laughing ..
baby was already dead anyway , and it was really very lame
but they just kept laughing ..
just as quickly as it had started , it all ended ..
the both of them just went into different rooms leaving me
all alone eating fries , i was like , eh all leave me alone ,
darling u pang seh me leh , eh !!! ..
quite a night , fun like hell , even my own family and i do
not have so much fun ..
and yesh its monday and i have got no sch , will be going out soon ..
to where ? i have no idea ..
may be visiting my aunty and family for a short while ..
go shoot some pics :)
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 14:01
Thursday, August 03, 2006
muacks darling , we did it haha ..
denise and i decided it was time to let her parents in on us ..
and yeah , she gt her parents into the room ..
and i started off , phew what a big relieve ..
her parents didnt give us a lecture or anything ..
instead her father wished us well , told us what was acceptable
and what was not , that studies come first and other stuff ..
talked about me , studies , church stuff ,
said he didnt mind , talked about a few other stuff ..
and they were also quite happy i think that we told them the truth ..
personally i was quite shocked that it would be like this ..
expected scoldings and stuff ..
it all ended with her dad giving her a hug and me a pad on the back ..
what a nice man , if it was my dad ..
the pad would have been a slap haha ..
the best thing ? we can date openly now hahah ..
see darling , i told you honesty is the best policy :)
anyway yeah , so glad ..
love you thanks uncle :)
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 21:32