her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 13:03
Thursday, September 14, 2006
haiz she's away , dunno for how long ..
i miss her soo soo much for reasons i cant explain ..
i guess thats human emotions for us ..
jut hope i get to see her tomorrow ..
already thought of what i wanna do tomorrow ..
top of the list would be SSDC in the morning for
theory lessons ..
talking about cars related stuff ..
i think my dad's selling his M6 for a ferrari 430 challenge *********** ...
dunno how to pronounce or spell it , ok the F430 challenge thats meant for the road ..
either that or the 545i is going for the ferrari ..
man , i love the 545i , hope the M6 goes instead of the 545i ..
than maybe one day i can take over the 545i WAHAHAHAAH ...
eh wait , i should get my dad to buy the ferrari for me ..
i would look better in it than him , he has past his prime hehehehe ...
no la , got money sure wanna get a porsche , sell the 545i for a porsche hehehe ..
and i would still have money to spend muahahahah ..
or maybe i could just place it in the bank , slowly burn it away on my petrol bills ..
kk , mitchell !!!! stop dreaming !!!!!!! a ferrari is better than a porsche HAHAHAHA ..
just imagine the frequency that a i can change girls the moment i get
the porsche or the ferrari , all i need then would be to jio the guys to MOS or MU
and i would be in heaven muahahahaha ..
ok , my dictator would stop me , denise tan :X
better stop here on this , too wild le
went out today , to Plaza Sing ..
accompany fahmi to get some reeds ..
gt a V12 for myself cause i chipped my last zonda ..
so just had to get anyone avaliable for the time being ..
cant find their 56 rue lepic , if not i would have gotten it instead ..
ok , after that we started looking at the mouthpieces ..
for the fun of it la , already got a good enough set for myself ..
than the brass mouthpieces followed by some of their instruments ..
and than i saw the recorders , very nice wood grain patterns ..
the wood has a very nice color too ..
thought of getting one to display it in my room ..
shall give myself a day or two to decide ..
fahmi was so hyper about his Eb clarinet ..
kk NYP's , bigdeal who owns it , they don keep check ..
anyway he kept going on for a while ..
quite interesting actually hahah ..
than went back to NYP ..
had the oboe concerto binded ,
the other 2 would have to wait for now ..
than i would return to NYP on monday morning ,
send the scores there for copying and binding ..
the lady said it would take her 2 days ..
you have 2 other workers there who does nothing ,
2 photocopy machines , and 4 of those binding things ..
and you need 2 days , smack your arse ..
as if that wasn't bad enough , she had to speak to me in chinese ..
and i went zhe ge yao zhe yang , for those who still dun understand me ..
i told her this one want this way , in chinese ..
super broken chinese and she could really understand my chinese and had to repeat my sentence to clarify =X
kk , had a mac spicy and a double cheese burger for early dinner ..
band practice started at 1830 , left at 1930 ..
didnt feel like sitting down for the rest of practice ..
dunno why also , felt so sian , nth works ..
than home , sms her a bit here and that ..
disturbed each other haha , shall not share the details :)
made chocolate cake , cooked maggie mee for dinner ..
bath le , and here i am typing this shit ..
kk , stop le ..
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 22:10
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
here some pics of the monster truck ..
quite blur if u were to enlarge it ..

her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 23:09
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
just came back from my night run ..
the first of many to come ..
i am really rusty , went round the estate once and i am already like tired ..
maybe cause i didnt have lunch and was exercising a little before that ..
but hack , no room for excuses ..
i shall push myself bit by bit till i can achieve what my elder bros achieved , and more ..
than no one can say i am the weakling ..
shall try to get my father to buy me one of those model planes ..
than i can fix it , paint it and display it ..
like what i used to do on those smaller versions when i was in pri school ..
too bad my dad helped them " fly " one day when my mum nagged non stop that
they used up her space on the shelf ..
this time i have got an entire row of display space in my room ..
shall put in my best effort on this plane ..
still thinking what model , maybe the F22 Raptor or the F15 strike eagle ..
than again the F15 has so many versions ..
anyway , shall try to get one ..
and its time to chiong the driving lessons ..
than i can get a car soon , any car would do hahah ..
be it slow or what , still have to keep my promise to her ..
and that pig thing in the car too hahah ..
kk , let me see ..
met her at around 6 at Lot 1 ..
did some shopping at NTUC for dinner ..
her sis met up with us there , bought the food stuff ..
went to the nearby coffee shop ,
bought chicken rice for sean and myself ..
went home and dinner time ..
first meal of the day , tasted sooooo delicious ..
gobbled the whole packet heehee ..
watched TV with her , than sponge bob square pants ..
--- as long as my pants is square and this sponge is bob , the secret is safe --
so -_-" hahah ..
kk , sean wanted to watch his cartoons ..
took over at 9 , went to do our own stuff ..
came home around 22:20 - 22:30 ,
exercised a bit , went jogging , and here i am ..
15 mins on this post , and it ends here
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 23:04
Monday, September 11, 2006
my dad completed the monster truck about 4 days back ..
tested it at the front porch , man its one loud toy ..
quite powerful , had to fine tune the patrol intake and stuff ..
eats lotsa fuel and it burns it real fast ..
shall take few pics of it and share it here real soon ..
he wanted to test it behind the house , the open grass area ..
was about to exit the back gate when he saw a cobra ..
itchy fingers as all of us are ..
he used the hose and sprayed it ..
the cobra sprang straight up hahha ..
cant wait to see of those fellows ,
but those that have been spotted by the neighbours and that
one by my dad were all black in color , so dull ..
sunday , had band and stuff ..
got sabotaged by yuko and vanessa ..
threw me the first and solo parts ..
lucky i had amer beside me , shared some parts with him
and gave him one of the solo parts lol ..
hope we are not gonna play verdi ,
prefer the concertos , more relaxing to play and to listen to ..
didnt sleep till about around 2 ..
was so mentally active ,
could switch on my com , visited a web site ,
shut it down than repeat the whole process again ,
for like 4 times before i decided to msg her ..
just found out she didn't attend school cause she overslept ..
must have slept late , maybe cause we were msging ..
k , some things just wont work out without everyone's effort i guess ..
i still remember so many details of that day ..
if it didnt occur , it would have been like this today ..
the events that followed after that day are simply
too ironic and it makes it difficult for anyone to really
believe that person ..
some things are better clarified at the start ..
if we hide it , and others finds out ..
it really is gonna be tough for us to explain ..
no matter how we try , its never gonna be enough
to make those others believe that we are speaking the truth ..
dinner is gonna be ready soon ..
and i dread having dinner cooked by my mum hahah ..
everyone including my dad ..
but it saves me money ..
so i wont say much , shall just add my own flavouring ..
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 17:32
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
bought my speakers le ..
the EVO 5 , cant find the EVO 7 ..
anyway some problems here and there , so i had it changed
at their woodlands store , thank got they have a store there ..
if not i have to take make a trip to bukit panjang again ..
the sound system is good , more than enough for my room ..
quite clear too ..
just when i bought myself a good enough sound system ,
my laptop's sound card , dunno if its the hardware or the
software , it decided to die on me ..
repair le , can work for a few mins than die again ..
so sad la , cant play my music le , imagine games without sound ..
my dad bought a remote control monster truck ..
those patrol kind , gonna play it behind our house ,
the forested area , he is still fixing it together though ..
i think its gonna be fun ..
shall resume my driving classes soon ..
just remember i have to get the license ..
so sian , than i have to start spending money on patrol if
i can get my license ..
why is it that the human mind works this way ?
we are often suspicious of one another be it friends or what ..
could it be because we have done that to others thats
why we are afraid and suspicious that others might
do the same thing onto us ?
like if u steal , taking without permission right ,
u are usually on the watch for others who might do
the same to u ..
alright , my friend Rania sms me whether i
wanted to join her and her friend for a conference call last night ..
so i just reply sure , and that was it ..
her friend's quite a nice person , easy to chat with and stuff la ..
only prob was like when i was speaking to rania about
band , her friend would go all silent , and when i was speaking to her
friend about our pets , dogs , Rania would be the quiet one ..
haha , only once or twice we had common topics haha
anway we chatted till it was damn late ..
i couldn't take it so i hung up first ,
the 2 ladies went on till 4 coming 5 i guess ..
when i finally fell asleep , i had some nightmares ..
woke up around 5 plus than slept at 6 plus again ..
and ya , damn tired still ..
wont be seeing her for another 2 or 3 days ,
that would be almost a week le ..
somethings are not in my control ,
whether i want it to happen a not ..
i am nothing but a human ,
with a human mind and soul ..
i can forgive but i cant totally forget ..
i guess u just gotta learn to understand
that every action has its consequences good or bad ..
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 20:31
Monday, September 04, 2006
okie back to blog ..
have been doing so for a long time as everyday
was kinda uniform , same as the previous day ..
visit her , argue a bit , have dinner , come home , play com games , read a bit , sleep wake up and its the same thing again ..
so nothing eventful than naturally never blog ..
kk , so , went to church yesterday ..
was feeling a little cold towards the end ..
denise had her church stuff to attend for like an hours plus ..
lucky i decided to bring a book i borrowed from the library ..
went over to coffee bean , bought a cup of hot coffee ,
sat at one of the tables and started reading ..
so much to read i dun kno if i can ever finish it ..
after which we went for lunch with her family than
over to her place , caught some sleep in and woke
up with my hands and left leg numb ..
thanks to the position i fell asleep in ..
her mum brought back food from their grandma's place ,
that was our dinner , ate it while watching the president's star charity ..
boring show ..
and i am sick , so sick i feel like shit every morning ..
have to sleep without the air conditioning ,
just on the fan only , poor bro of my gotta share the prob hahah ..
i am filled with phglems , dunno whether i spelled it correct ..
and it feels so uncomfortable ,
and i have yet to visit the doctor ..
dad brought mum to the doc and didn't bring me even though i was home ..
never even tell me they were going even though they knew
i was sick , just say , why u never follow when we go ..
and i told the bitch i am sick , i have got a bad bad sore throat ,
please do not packet back any fried food for me if your are doing so ..
wa la , i get fried food every night ,
lucky i have dinner with denise every night before i come home too
hahahah ..
so i must find a time for visiting the doc ..
maybe after this ..
there's so many things i wanna get ..
new com games are just one of them , actually i wanna try out a few of them hehe ..
but i am afraid i would spend off my PM too fast ..
and end up broke within too short a time as always ..
shall wait till i get more pocket money ..
use the rest from this round's serving to get the games ..
this means i gotta declare that i have ran out of pocket money
from this round in like 3 weeks ,
hmmmm , timing gotta be right if not i'll get shot at again ..
tchaikovsky's biography ..
ok , the book is really really damn thick , to me at least ..
but its filled with lots and lots of details not only about him
and his music , but also what happened after his death ..
what the soviets did and stuff ..
the book's really disgusting at some parts ,
as in when they talk about his life and then russia ..
because he was russia's greatest man ..
the soviet censor board destroyed much of his gay life stuff ,
including his letters , any evidence that he's gay that they found ..
can u imagine someone trying to destroy facts about
another person just to preserve certain things ..
anyway the book really has alot of information inside ..
pumps alot of info to the mind , about russia , about europe ,
about him , about other composers ..
rimsky-korsakov , borodin , musorgsky , balakirev , cui ..
these were nick name the mighty five , music mafias ..
so many interesting stuff to read ..
k , i have got nothing to do now ..
might be making my way to my aunt's place ,
than to the doc later ..
if not i shall just wait for my dad ,
than i would have free transport plus i wouldn't
have to pay a single cent for the medical fees ..
right now i shall find something to satisfy my grumbling stomach :)
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 11:34