her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 20:14
Saturday, October 14, 2006
went to the gym with scuter today ..
gym was, well, tiring ..
we tried this machine today ..
its been there for a long while i guess,
but we just didn't pay any attention to it ..
ok so scuter gt on first ..
hell it was obsence, like prying ur legs open to be fucked ..
than he adjusted the weights and stuff and started ..
it works the inner thighs, so the thing forces your legs
apart and you just gotta try and bring your legs together again ..
after a while he got up and shake his head ..
his legs were, haha, aching ..
than it was my turn ..
and yeah, legs ached too, it becomes like jelly after you
have worked on it for too long hahah ..
hmmmm ...
now there are 2 of them ..
one is everything in my life,
and wishful thinking on my part ..
the other means nothing to me,
but wishes to be part of me ..
what should i do ?
abandon both right ? hahah ..
or should i open boths arms and embrace the
return of the old me ? that would be great too ..
church than band tomorrow ..
hope eerything goes well tomorrow ..
oh, its no longer wed, it has been
brought forward to monday now :)
physical pain is temporary ..
yet physical pain is sometimes a means as an escape ..
gives you something to think about ..
takes away other thoughts ..
than again its lasts a short while only ..
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 20:42
Friday, October 13, 2006
sometimes dun u feel that if u could just control time,
many things u could have prevented or changed ?
hmmm, if had that power i did fast forward time now ..
skip this phrase or life ..
if neccessary, correct things that are happening now
beforei permantly stay in the future ..
of cause if there is only room for one mitchell,
so maybe the other i'll kill ..
time passes ever so slowly now ..
1 hr is 2 hrs, twice the length ..
cant wait for lessons to resume, at least i would have something
to occupy my mind ..
an empty mind is the devil's workshop ..
he just simply need to psycho us a bit i think ..
the rest of the damage is done by us ..
we let the negative thoughts creep into us,
let it take over us and eventually destroy us ..
i swear if i have a gun now,
i turn the dog into mince meat,
blow its brains outta the back of its head ..
so noisy, barking at nothing ..
talking about that, sparky was barking the other day ..
too keep him quiet, i held up the cane ..
he got so frighten he retreated blindly,
nearly fell backward into the pond ..
tail and butt was all wet ..
wednesday's the day, everything will be finalised on
that day and hopefully done on that day ..
will be like a cloth under a sewing machine ..
this time its ink not thread ..
maybe gonna keep my hair longer ..
about 2 or 3 more weeks?
save money also, dun have to visit the barber yet ..
oooooo, someone close says i became more wild ..
when i asked whether i have changed la ..
guess so, before that, emanual, the tattoo guy come
my old church class pal, said this :"mitchell u change alot man"
well he hasn't seen me since sec 4 confirmation ..
thats like 2 years plus ..
and well, people changed, only its either for the better or
for the worst ..
i have made up my mind, here's something for the better ..
no more smokes, no more drinking ..
k, save the special rare occasions than i'll drink a little ..
something else is gonna go, dunno wad ..
have not decided ..
maybe the stud ..
i was thinking, am i just going one big round in life ?
sometimes in life the correct path lays straight in front of u ..
and straying from that path is another path ..
like a park, u gt extra paths straying from the main one than linking back ..
so i guess i am on one of this "extra" paths just taking
a stroll wasting my time ( life ) away ..
is it time to return to the main path ?
yes it is, but i gotta follow the path now cause i am flanked
on both sides with hedges i cant pass through ..
walking back would be an even bigger waste of time ..
and whats worst ? this is now a dirt path ..
its no longer nicely layed out with tar or slag or whatever they use to build roads ..
well, i see the light ..
just gotta follow it already i guess ..
and hopefully it leads me out, back to the main path ..
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 11:21
Wednesday, October 11, 2006

this would be the first draft design ..
emmanuel's gonna modify it ..
see ow can we throw in a circle in the center ..
holy sacrement ? can't remember what they called it ..
anyway, think its gonna be like what ? 10cm in height ?
see whats the final design though, than modify if neccessary ..
got the pictures of eugene's full back and wayne's leg ..
eugene's full back was drawn on free hand, wow ..
its a japanese carp leaping out of the water ..
wayne's full back is scary, i dont think he would allow a picture of it ..
i think there's a samurai, a god or a demon, cant remember ..
his recent one on the leg is quite creative ..
a demon face with the mouth positioned at the knee ..
closes and opens the mouth when he walks, the skin la ..
either he or wei xiong has a beautiful japanese woman in her kimono and fan done on their leg ..
shall see if i can snap it ..
guess thats all for today ..
sry guys, but i have been wanting one for a long time already ..
like months ..
and the only one who can stop me is gone :)
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 22:20
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
yeah man, just completed doing the arrival kit ..
the target i set for myself everyday i mean ..
read something in the arrival kit which made me realised something ..
its sad but i guess that's a reason why things are like this too ..
shall take a break, check out some tattoo designs of crosses ..
emmanuel has some for me, can u believe it ? he has his own shop already 0.0
Latest news, wayne's leh is completed, left one more leg ..
he wants a cross too but has no more space for one ..
can u imagine it, the cross would be palm sized only and he has ran out of space ..
shall try to post pictures next time ..
wei xiong would bring me, shall take pics of him too :)
planning what shall i do next ..
hahah, martin said something just now ..
our family is like a NAZI concentration camp ..
the maid is the Jew hahahha ..
poor thing right ..
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 22:37
just came home from driving lessons ..
today was fun, few cars within the circuit ..
maybe only like 40 ? most went out to the main road ..
shall get my PDL done on thursday than i can go out too :)
hope i don't crash ..
hmmm, wonder what shall i do later ..
first thing i'll be after this would be to take a bath !!!
the car was like an oven today ..
shall see what to do after that, most likely one weeks
worth of arrival kit ..
after this week i will be slightly busier, so not much time
for that le ..
my time table is nice man ..
thursday is the best, only 3 hrs of lesson,
from 9am to 12pm ..
Mon, wed, fri are all fine ..
tuesday's the worst, ends at 930, starts at 11am ..
shall see what i can do about my timings ..
cant play the fool this round,
one slip and i am out out out ..
may be getting a tattoo, on some where hidden la ..
and maybe 2 more piercings ..
shall get eugene, wei xiong along,
get eugene's done at the same time ..
and wayne's leg, i think he completed his whole body already ..
left his underwear area and thighs ..
but the thighs are gonna be done too, completing soon ..
shall see what they gt there,
already have 2 designs in mind ..
kk, shall blog again next time
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 17:07
Monday, October 09, 2006
alright, lotsa things happened recenty ..
shall not mention all of it except that things happen for a reason ..
and some these things happen because of our actions ..
ran to the toilet in the morning again,
woke me up from my beaautiful sleep ..
couldn't sleep again after that, might as well since it was around 12 noon ..
let me see, let me see ..
these past few days, have been learning alot about god ..
its just like church classes again, but this time in a different form,
through different methods, and with alot more enthusiasm ..
tried out the new blogger beta for the fun of it ..
this is the result, lost my beautiful skin ..
now this is so not structured like how i like my things to be ..
shall try to play around with it and stuff ..
see how can i repair it ..
guess this is all for the day ..
people i would like to thank for their advices and help these few days..
names not arranged in order of any form ..
chin seng
kk, shall end here ..
God bless u readers :)
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 19:29
Thursday, October 05, 2006
been sick for the pass few days ..
have not seen the doc, seem to be recovering very slowly..
however i still feel very lethagic, diarrhea still here ..
no appetite for my meals, therefore causing gastric and most likely the diarrhea ..
headache also still present but slightly better ..
body aches are gone, lasted like a day or 2 ..
met her earlier on, chit chat for like 2 or 3 hours ..
came home took a nap and when i woke up,
the feelings came ..
it all came so fast, in a split sec ..
started with a feeling of emptiness, a void in me ..
than the negative thoughts poured in almost immediately ..
anger, hatred, betrayal, sadness, confussion, disappointment, hopelessness ..
felt like grabbing the photo frame by my bed and just throw
it against the wall, felt as though my world would not last any longer ..
that moment of despair though, was brief ..
no matter what i knew i had to block those thoughts out ..
they serve no purpose other than to destroy one's soul,
one's love for another ..
took a shower, quickly went online and started chatting with some friends so that i could let my mind concentrate on something else ..
gonna have a session with my personal mentor tomorrow ..
gonna talk about some stuff, hope it turns out fruitful ..
gonna meet jocelyn as well, heading to the CC get some stuff done
before i head to my PM's place ..
dunno if i can last though, felt so weak today ..
sorry i lost my temper at u, just wasn't in a very good
mood for some reasons, plus i wasn't feeling very well ..
hope u understand ..
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 23:08