her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 01:55
Saturday, December 30, 2006
its pretty late already, now 04:41 - 12/30/2006,
currently listenin to butterfly lovers while i am typing this out ..
couldn't find sun zi bing fa, think we left it at the old house,
still got quite some stuff there, including my
Rise and Fall of the Qin Dynasty ..
hmmm, was searching for sun zi bing fa when i came across
my old collection of scores ..
decided to tidy them up a bit, and add new scores to that collection ..
shall get a proper file for them soon ..
added 2 more pics as well ..
this would be all my grandmother's grandsons ..
besides the one in pink shirt, my eldest brother,
and the one in singlet smiling till all his teeth all showing haha,
my cousin and brother ..
the others are all flirts hahaha,
and all here are sons to let me see, 3 different women ..
starting from the one in pink shirt than going clockwise,
my eldest brother, melvin ..
my 2nd eldest male cousin, leslie ..
my 2nd elder brother marcus ..
my younger brother, martin ..
my eldest male cousin, leon ..
me the monkey ..
my younger cousin cum brother for the first 11 years of my life, shawn ..
some of you have seen him before, can you guess who is he ?
no prizes for correct guesses though ..
oh, that's pebbles when she was a puppy ..
foxy looking right, the ears and snout ..
hmmm, old collection of scores ..
used to kep even more, secondary school de ..
those like utopia, west side story and stuff, dumped them all in the end ..
kept those that i liked, and after a while started keep in scores when
i entered swo, cant find my don juan, carnival overture and others ..
first concert with swo, its in a file, just cant remember where is it ..
anyway here are some of them ..
Noah's ark, yesh it was played by the majority of a kind that was in the ark ..
i was no exception hahaha ..
this was one the choice piece ssw took for the NBC ..
titanic medley, got it from a friend from unity secondary,
i used it at that time to test whether my sight reading had improved ..
Polka "thunder & lighting" , the name is spelled wrongly,
i think it was twain who brought it up, cant really remember who exactly ..
lightning was spelled as lighting, at that time i was wondering what
on earth is Polka, and the only thing i could link it to,
was the brand selling those cans of coffee in 7-eleven ..
A Christmas Celebration became a medley of scoldings for me and company ..
Festive Overture wasn't very delightful for my fingers at that time haha ..
Algemiz was one of the first pieces that had me shitting bricks in sec school,
was worried sick whenever mr ng wanted to play algemiz ..
remember the Eb solo part on the first clar stand, i was still quite a timid chap
back then and playing it never failed to make me shiver, literally ..
practice that part like mad and i only managed to come in the 3rd time
mr ng repeated the piece for one rehearsal, was all over the place or
failed to enter for the rehearsals before, luckily the higher part was
brought down an octave, made life easier ..
Slavonic Dances Op46 N0.2, cant remember where did i get this copy from,
either belongs to NYP or SWO or just a photocopied set ..
but i liked that song ..
Entornos haha, that picture of mainly triplets belongs to the last part of Entornos,
was one of the parts that i loved working on, trying to get the tonguing and stuff
on the right spot, hitting what seemed like the sky at that time,
and yet trying to produce and maintain the texture of sound i wanted,
was all fun and enjoyment to me, they were a challenge ..
when the band reached coral, usually i got lost there hahah ..
Concerto for Bass clarinet and band, was one hell of an unforgetable concerto ahaha,would never forget that concerto with thomas hahah ..
but it was the first time i heard a bass clarinet run all the up and down and
it was the first time that i ever heard of a bass clarinet concerto ..
2 thumbs up to the man, thomas ..
Highlights from Chess, i think, had this particular part in 3/4
with very simple rhythm, like quaters and halfs, yet it wasn;t that easy to bring the life out of it, and we needed to work together as one to do so ..
never really was satisfied by that section, so simple yet so complex ..
Les miserable, was really the english word miserable for me,
that included one certain section of the piece where there were so many sharps
out of no where, miserable miserable miserable, but it's a nice piece ..
Concerto for Trumpet and symphonic band,
think on concert day my stand made a wrong entry or was it failed to enter ?
cant remember but it was a bad mistake, should be on concert day ..
the scores found in the picture, the one with canon in D, fantasy-pieces,
they were given to me by an ex swo member ..
Concerto for Oboe by haydn, i think this would be concerto i loved playing most,
the band part i mean haha, very relaxing, 3rd clarinet stand that is ..
and also in the last pic, dont needa say much, its a piece most of us know very well ..
for those who dont know, La Passio De Crist,
when translated would be, The Passion of Christ ..
this is the piece where my right little pinky jammed the most ..
imagine doing running notes and you find you cant run
anymore because your pinky decided to become stiff, irritating ..
okie its 05:33 already, blogging helps kill time ..
gotta take my medicine after this, than i would turn in ..
sorry if the previous posts were negative ..
didnt mean to spill it out on to you readers ya ..
God bless, cheers ..
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 04:30
Friday, December 29, 2006
the guys eating ice cream at dunno whats the name of that place already ..
outing with them on the 28 dec ..
fun group of guys, his twin is not in the pic ..

angel oh angel ..

saw this Times magazine in 7-eleven today ..
the 2nd page of the magazine ..
very true isn't it, music is a universal language ..
its understood by all ..
i think because it invokes emotions and humans have the ability to feel it
and understand what we are feeling ..

got so bored waiting in the room for the doctor ..
so i just snapped a pic ..
cool bed lamp hahahah, flexible mechanical arm with a power bulb ..
didnt managed to get a pic of the cleaning solutions and syringes,
nurse was coming hhaha ..

shopping shopping shopping !!! hahaha
bought this top at ebose or something from PS when i was with
the other band memebers ..
the other shirt, bought it today from esprit ..
not exactlya shirt hahah, mother paid so i didnt bother much about price hahah ..
just take what i liked hahaha ..

hmmm, suggested to my mother that i could take martin and vanessa out
for CNY chopping, get their new clothes and stuff ..
that way i would be free to do my shopping on my own as well ..
sometimes because the clothes have to go through my dad,
he pays, we would get comments like why u like this kinda clothes ? haha
different taste, personal preferance, opinions have no right or wrong ..
yeah, thats why its irritating, its personal preferance and i like to
shop it my taste my style, which is different from dad's ..
i hate collar unless its those long sleeve shirt ..
he likes to get collar shirts for us, he likes those kind ..
anyway, shall try to sneak this plan through ..
do my own shopping on the pretext of bringing my
younger siblings out for theirs, helping them select ..
hahaha, so evil, but well hahah, i get to spend without
worrying about the look on my dad's face ahhaha ..
i can buy one shirt that costs a hundred, and martin could buy two
that costs less than 80 ..
but at the end of the day, when he sees whats in front of his eyes,
he would say, martin spends more, seeing is more than enough evidence ..
how would i know this method would work ?
dad doesn't check receipt contents hahaha,
only the total amount spent hahah ..
man i feel so evil and i am loving it ..
gotta keep my mind thinking if not it'll rust ..
this contradicts, an empty mind is the devils workshop hahahaha ..
yes, i was right again ..
i had to wait 40 plus mins before it was my turn to see the doc ..
and that was a good 30 over mins after the stated appointment time ..
even have to wait like 15 to 20 mins just to give them money,
what the hell, save the time let me keep the money can ? haha
and yesh, the damn thing is off me hahaha ..
hahah, it was damn funny can, the look on the nurse face and wht she said haha ..
nurse : oh my gosh, this is gonna hurt ..
me : yes i know that ..
like duh, hahaha, but she was damn cute la ..
the first sentence from her was in chinese ..
and my reply was,
huh ? what did u just say ? could you repeat urself again ?
and she went off in chinese, something about wound,
only caught the last two words, shang kou, wound in chinese ..
i was wound ? yeah i got a surgical wound ..
all this while i gave her that lost look hahah ..
than she paused, placed one finger to her chin and asked me
in english, what language do u speak ..
i replied, well, i speak english ahah ..
and she just laughed and went, okok, i'll bring you to the next room blah blah
hahaha, funny incident, and everyone was looking at the both of us ..
than in came a young doc, guy, who seemed very hesitant
about the decisions he made ..
always looking to one corner and holding his chin while he
said what his decision was ..
which, made me very nervous ..
guess he is not that experienced, cause he was quite nervous about
when he was thinking and speaking ..
could hear it in his voice and see it in his eyes ..
even the nurse was more calm hahah ..
well, there's always a beginning for everyone haha ..
and there's no short cut round it ..
but bottom line would be i am back to me haha ..
as mobile as before, and i can play my clarinet, that i am quite certain haha ..
no need for the pressure garment for now,
means breathing not restricted haha ..
what can i say ? daily routines are back to normal
and i am super glad about that yeah ..
except for the food that i can eat, but thats okie ..
i am sure i can substain that food lust for a long time haha ..
i can still eat dark chocolates so it pretty fine hahah ..
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
this entry seems long, or is it because of the pictures that's why the
scroll bar is becoming so small ?
no idea, dont know dont care, shall just type out whatever
i recall about today ..
dinner was okie, nice ..
lunch seems to be a little weird, cause me and martin
are well, having some problems with our tummies now ..
and we are the only 2 that ate char siew rice for lunch earlier on ..
i thought it was me when i thought the rice tasted weird ..
well, martin just confirmed that the rice tasted weird ..
he was like, eh, the rice from lunch tasted funny ..
i was like haha okie, i think we are gonna have a fun night haha ..
chin seng msged me earlier on today ..
strange, got so many calls and msges today ..
anyway, he was asking whether i was attending the cluster party ..
its a bbq and everyone's asked to go there in their pyjamas hhaha ..
i replied i couldn't make it and how was josh and ruth ..
man, i missed out so much can ..
slightly more than a month, josh is speaking more often, knows more words ..
and he said the both of them are growing fast !!
man, i miss that boy can, awww ..
i love babies, children hahah ..
though i just love to hate some, but that's loving as well ..
i LOVE to hate some ..
ok, siao hahah ..
but yeah, josh is seriously, kawai hahaha ..
sure melt if your see him can ..
last night that same feeling overcame me again ..
that feeling of pain, anguish of grief and despair ..
seriously its like a black hole that sucks the light out of me ..
sucks the happy thoughts from me ..
throws me into a darkness that blocks me from the light of day ..
such a sour feeling, so painful ..
at that moment, as with other times when it came,
i just felt like breaking free of myself,
just felt like throwing soemthing or whatever ..
just felt like unleashing the demon within, all those feelings ..
thats the bad thing about me and my brothers,
when we lose it, we turn bloody violent ..
anyway how do you counter something that builds itself
on your happy memories ? you cant right ?
so, been thinking about it though i have decided about it ..
sometimes i like to think over decisions i made ..
i dunno why, just like to think about it ..
like whether it was a correct decision or was it the best option ..
hmmm, i believed that period was when those who knew me,
knew the most cheery me ..
and now there's something else taking form in me ..
dunno whether its visible yet, i think its getting obvious ..
yet i dunno what can be done about it ..
i think that part of me is still in twilight ..
seriously, i foresee that i am gonna get into deep shit one day
because of this looming formless thing ..
any enemy without form is a tough enemy ..
maybe i should try reversing everything first ..
shall just slip back into my shell and restart everything ..
choose a few which i can open up to and that would be that ..
would not bother about the rest ..
but wouldn't that be bottling up everything, running away from the problem ?
just results in something worst right ?
hmmm, i dunno, need more time to think out a method ..
having another certain someone in this chapter surely
isn't a good idea ..
would just destroy that person along with myself ..
how do u fight an enemy without form ?
i dun think sun zi bing fa talks about that too ..
shall go read it again later, sounds stupid,
but if t can be applied in business,
why not in this aspect of life ?
talking about sun zi bing fa,
its a pretty good book hahah ..
helps even in computer games,
where you command armies and stuff, RTS is it ?
good against human players, com players
dun require much thinking unless they are on hard mode haha ..
kk, shall end here, enough negativity ..
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 20:45
can u imagine what would it be like to be powerful ?
to have godly powers with your mind ..
meaning that you have the power to make things happen just by thinking of it ..
imagine this,
just by thinking you could create worlds,
you could remake the universe ..
you could create more "earths" for the good of mankind ..
or you could crush the skulls of your enemies with a single thought ..
like, you have person who u just hate ..
one day he pisses you off so much, and in your head,
you imagine with images of that person,
there and then having his head crushed inwards as though
the insides of his head became vacuum ..
and with that thought, it happens instantly,
the next moment, the lifeless corpse, that thing just drops to the floor ..
who wouldn't want powers like that right ..
they say science is God,
right there and then,
u can say,
i, am God ..
just a random thought
he who can take life is not as powerful as he who can give life ?
and he who can give life is superior to he who can't ..
or is it that they work hand in hand,
and so the one that can do both is called God ..
i wonder when would that day be,
when man discovers how life comes about,
what gives every living thing the life in it ..
and i wonder what than would we do when we have found the key
to what breathes life into others ..
would we fear it or would we control it ?
i would give anything to be able to control what gives life ..
except my own life of cause ..
the lives of others would still be acceptable i think ..
hmmm, going out soon ..
mother is bringing me to the place, appointment is at 350 ..
but we are heading down to plaza sing first ..
she asked me if i wanna do anything before that,
and well i said i wanted to get some shirts ..
she asked where and i said plaza sing esprit ..
save my pocket hahah, maybe i would head down to flash and splash ..
okie la, shall blog later when i am back ..
maybe post a few pics of my new tops including the one i bought yesterday ..
blog tonight bye ..
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 12:53
went out with some of the ssw / swo members today ..
did some shopping, ate ice cream and watched a movie ..
hmmm, bought a shirt at plaza singapura, cant remember the shop's name ..
shall find a day when i can go shopping again,
maybe for CNY with my family, head to PS again ..
shall visit that shop and esprit ..
saw some nice shirts at both shops ..
get 2 sets, 2 shirts and 2 bottoms for CNY ..
hmmm, ice cream was great, simply delicious ..
movie was well, supposed to be a comedy ..
yes, there were quite some funny parts here and there ..
one scene brought back memories ..
when the girl and guy were together, it just brought back memories ..
and the guy's an idiot la, so unromantic ..
i mean is like, the two of them are in bed, and he say i gotta tell u something ..
and he goes on about the taxes stuff ..
cant he say something else, like,
you are beautiful or maybe,
you make my day or something ..
wa lao, drag work into the picture, what a mood killer can ..
hmmm, its been pretty long already, i lost track of time ..
the girl, that girl, yeah, the feelings are still there surprisingly ..
didn't expect a crush could last so long ..
decided to leave it be, not as if i have the ability to do anything about it,
or that i wanna do anything about it ..
somethings are better left as it is ..
shall conclude this matter, it shall be as it is now and forever ..
i looked at ekle and he looked at me ..
mitch : some people are just mood spoilers right ? never fail to spoil ur happy day ..
ekle : guess so .. no matter how hard you try, they would just be like this ..
mitch : yeah, what a bitch, whora ..
ekle & mitch : hahahahahahahaha
a friend gave me a link earlier on, asked me to read it ..
i was like ok ..
i proceeded to click on it, let it load and stuff ..
was thinking to myself, must be some childish rants about concert again ..
web page loaded, than i just read and read ..
and haha, yesh, childish but damn funny ..
was about a friend hahaha not exactly about the concert haha ..
damn silly but funny ..
sometimes you just dunno what are those around u thinking right ahah ..
hmmm, making a trip down to that dreaded place tomorrow ..
surprisingly, i dun seem to be as affected by the op, as the last time ..
i am more mobile and in alot lesser discomfort haha ..
and i can breath quite deep which should mean i can play my clarinet hahah ..
which also means lesser recovery time ..
missy said no exercise or anything that could injure the wound for a month ..
guess playing my klar wouldn;t injure right ..
anyway, i think they are gonna make me wear the pressure garment tomorrow onwards ..
wonder whats it gonna be like, never even seen one before ..
even if i did i wouldn't be able to recognise it ..
hope they dun send me to that stupid machine to make it ..
means i gotta wait at the damn place for an even longer time ..
the cavity or whatever they call it, empty space is filling up with body fluid again ..
doc is sure to drain it out tml ..
just a few pokes of the syringe ..
amazing how fast he does it, very steady, very accurate very quick and precise ..
just look look, pierce, draw and he's on to the next place ..
the last time it was almost 2 years back and i never fully recovered ..
what the hell, hope the pain goes away once and for all ..
once its done, once its all healed, i may be decorating my left chest ..
see how, just a naughty itchy finger thought though hahah ..
hmmm, i am bored, nothing to do, wonder what else to try out ..
everytime i go out with a different group of friends,
i try new things, go to new places ..
there's just too much out there which i have not seen ..
sometimes i tell my friend, singapore is so small, so boring nothing much at all ..
well, i guess i'll take that back ..
there's so many things i have yet to try in SG alone ..
quite a number of places i have not been to,
so how than can i say that its boring right ?
school is gonna start soon, so is swo and ssw ..
hmmm, wondering about somethings ..
timing would be strange, but i still have wed and thur afternoons to do other stuff ..
there would be a new addition to the section ..
means a new friend, hopefully not a new enemy,
no one can tell the future, we can only try to mould it to make it better ..
wow its already 01:38, so fast ..
how time flies, just comes and goes ..
sometimes things just choose to stay no matter how much time has past,
no matter how much we have tried to let time wash away,
somethings just stay etched in our minds, our hearts, our soul ..
such things are forever a part of us, these are what we hold on to
so dearly, what we really treasure ..
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 01:07
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
hmmm, was having a short conversation with Sigrid just now ..
mitchell : what do you think of it ?
sigrid : i think its useless, a dream of ours all this while ..
mitchell : really ? u think so too ?
sigrid : yeah, nothing but a uselss dream designed to implant false hope ..
mitchell : totally agree, waste of time, an illusion ..
hmmm, nothing much to blog about ..
been on the com the whole day ..
since i wake up i'll be gaming if not i would be on msn ..
and even that depends on whether my internet is working a not ..
if its not than i'll just have to play com games ..
would have to take my medicine at 00:00, must not forget !!
all at different timings, so irritating, gotta draw a time table or something soon haha ..
help me keep track of when should i take what ..
had roasted lamb leg for dinner ..
with butter rice and some other mince meat in dunno what sauce ..
lamb leg and butter rice is nice hahah ..
plain and simple and filling !!
hmmm, wonder what happened to the 2 shirts i bought ..
gotta check on them later, wonder if they are in the wrong cupboard ..
feel like eating chocolate, shall grab a piece later ..
than head back to my room to play com ..
if friends are online, msn with them ..
if not, start gaming, sound so robotic so mechanical ..
like the program for those robotic arms or something ..
hmmm, the windows media player bar seems to have some problem ..
cant get it to the dimensions i want even though i have adjusted the codes ..
hmmm, irritating, so out of place ..
getting a bit sleepy, dun wanna sleep ..
so boring, and i had dinner about 1 and a half hrs back ..
so soon sleep le, not very good, plus i am not moving around much ..
maybe this is the time for me to put on weight hahaha ..
maybe i would search for some show to watch later ..
dunno, see how la, getting super duper boring ..
man i miss band, oh yeah, talking about band ..
had this funny conversation with a friend which left me like, my gosh hahah ..
friend x : hey do you know when does swo resume practice ?
mitchell : eh, dunno leh ? 21st ? hahah i really dunno ..
friend x : huh so long ah
friend x : no band feel very strange leh, very empty very not used to it ..
mitchell : okie loh, than i ask andrew to start band earlier loh ? u want
7 or 14 of jan start haha ..
friend x : huh, dun need la, 21st is fine, than i can enjoy myself ahahah ..
mitchell : what de hell ..
finish the conversation already i was laughing and was like diao ..
hahah, man why do i have such funny friends hahaha ..
but its a good ting, they add laughter to my live ..
one smack of bright colored paint on me the plain canvas sheet ..
they make my life, all of them around me hahah ..
i think life is like this right ..
all of us are like canvas sheets with a plain base color of some sort,
that would be our general personality color ..
than we have all our other friends and people in our life,
that come along beside us and mark us with different colors depending on
what we experienced while they were around us ..
everyone comes along and takes a small ball of paint and throws it at us ..
smack !! and it marks u forever and stay there with you in your memories forever ..
yeah i guess its something like this ..
dun really know how to explain it, but yeah ..
in the end, we are covered with the experiences we have been through ..
if most of it is positive, brightly colored,
we turn out to be people that are more positive ..
and if its the other way, than we turn out the other way ..
hmmm, yeah, should be like this i guess ..
unless we are programmed with thinner and a wiper
so we'll always stay the same few colors hahah ..
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 21:03
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
alright i am back ..
for some strange reasons i am very sleepy ..
maybe its because i slept pretty late again last night, around 4am plus ..
was playing starcraft, couldn't sleep ..
anyway, was at sgh today for the thing ..
this male nurse that had to insert the needle into the top of my left palm,
he was seriously damn funny ..
he inserte the first needle but couldn't get the vein ..
so he left it there and inserted a second one just beside it ..
so the first has to be removed, now this idiot wasn't wearing his gloves
for some strange reasons ..
and when he removed the first needle, like duh,
blood came out la and spilled onto his hands ..
so he quickly washed his hand at the basin near by ..
than he came to me and explain that a "splash" had occurred and he
needed to ask questions ..
so the questions were, did i do anything that placed me at risk of having HIV,
did i like visit prositutes haha, do i have heptitis B blah blah ..
the funny thing is he kept apologising that he had to ask me,
and even though i said its ok, i understand its the procedure right ?
he said yes, and he still kept apologising and was like, so sry but i hope you dont mind ..
hell, he sounds like a "broken wrist" to me actually ..
so girly la ..
after he left, i was smiling to myself hahah ..
the room can get quite boring la, so cold and empty ..
anyway, kept myself occupied by looking around at the shelves on my right ..
all the medicine, syringes, so many chim words ..
than there was this 2 female nurses who were always moving up and down ..
come in ask me questions than go out again ..
finally they pushed me into the OT, i think mine was R5 or R6 ..
than there they transferred me onto the table,
gosh when they did that my shoulder plates felt like shit,
banging on the rollers under the bed one after another ..
than there were 3 lights in this circle dish thing, 3 big lights ..
and there were 3 of this circle dish things hanging from mechnical arms ..
felt like an alien subject hahah ..
than in came this grummpy man, looked old around 50 plus ..
anyway he came in and just spreaded his negative self around ..
scolded the nurses and stuff ..
like because this metal stand was on my right and not left side,
he scolded the nurse, funny right ?
maybe its procedure that they have to follow or maybe he was just fussy ..
anyway, that same girly guy came with the 2 female nurses ..
than one of the girls started sticking all those wires on the pads stucked to me ..
seriously when i saw the wires, i got a shock ..
first thing that came to my mine was, why got wire for electronics ?
had enough of wires in school la hahah ..
anyway, the nurses were very nice la, they were quite gentle and made sure they explained eveything they were about to do, to me ..
than they girly guy placed this mask over my nose and mouth,
all he said was, this is pure oxygen blah blah,
he pressed it too hard over my nose and mouth such that i couldn't exhale cause
there was no gap to allow the air to escape ..
my rigt hand was coming up already, luckily he released it a little,
if nt i would have grabbed his hand there and than la,
talk and talk and he didnt realise what was happening ..
the pressure build up was yucks ..
anyway with each breathe i took in, with that oxygen thing ..
i felt myself giving in bit by bit ..
first and second breath didnt have much effect ..
3rd one, i felt this cold sensation grab me, i think my legs and arms felt icy cold ..
than 4th one i felt like this invisible barrier had seperated me from those around me,
everything became softer and i felt a bit sleepy ..
5th one, same thing but with more effect ..
6th one, i was still looking around for a few more breathes ..
couldn't count after that, a few more and i was out,
h i remembered that girl guy's face above me and the grummpy
old man on my left hahahah ..
than when i woke up, i was in the recovery room ..
there was this quite nice looking female nurse beside me ..
and those wire attached to me, for a machine ..
the machine was monitoring my heart beat and everything la ..
had black back ground and all the rest of the information was orangy ..
than the nurse realised i was awake, and asked me a few questions ..
like how was i feeling, than i gave that face and she thought i was in pain,
than she said pain huh ?
hahah i told its was because i couldn't focus my vision which was the truth ..
than she giggled and say ya it takes a while ..
so i was just looking at the monitor, and was still feeling quite sleepy ..
than chatted with her a bit, she said my heart beat was very slow ..
like 50 plus, than i realised that whenever i was falling back to sleep,
it dropped all the way down, 43 being the lowest,
and the machine kept beeping loudly whenever it hit a certain mark ..
those beeps kept me awake, and the poor girl had to rush to switch it off ..
than i was asking her, is it normal thats it so low ?
than she was saying, hmmm, not very normal,
and that during operation, the intervals between each breath were very long ..
than we just chatted loh, chat and chat, than she said something,
like i need to exercise more haha, and i replied oh, i am a musician,
than she was like oh, no wonder la, maybe thats why you breath in deeper than usual and longer ..
same thing happened to a friend of mine, also a musician haha ..
than i found out she was from china,
and that's it, i had to go le ..
so she and a guy pushed me out, and we said bye bye ..
than the guy pushed me further and i felt asleep ..
next thing i knew, i was back in the ward ..
than a lady nurse came in and asked how was i,
i replied, very hungry haahha, got any thing to eat ?
than i saw the clock, my gosh it was lunch time hahah ..
so i ask her, got lunch ? hahah
than she laughed and said nope cause i just had my op,
i might throw up what i consumed, so she just gave me 4 biscuits and a cup of milo haha ..
than she was like, take it slow k, remember to eat slowly ..
she said it like 5 or 6 times than she left ..
everything just went down hahahhah ..
than i slept and slept and slept hahah ..
than after a while they said i could be discharge at 5 or 6 ..
than i was like okie, than slept again ..
man, no dinner, got to wait till i get home than got dinner ..
food food food was all i could think of since the start of the operation hhaha ..
every nurse who asked me how was i feeling,
when i saw that they weren't the stern looking, serious kind ..
i just say i am okie and hungry hahahah ..
and they all either laughed or said later la haha, later can eat liao haha ..
anyway, i am home le, just had dinner ..
dinner was damn filling though i didnt eat much ..
one serving of steak and rice to go alot with it ..
plus some salad and i was done, damn filling ..
okie shall end here, time to eat my medicine already hahah ..
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 18:51
haiz, the more i think of it ..
i cant help but imagine that one day the two brother would end up as rivals ..
their father cares equally for the both of them ..
yet in this world there is only enough room for a stronger of the two ..
would it be because of this that they would ultimately be rivals ?
or maybe one would treat the other as the rival ?
there is the chance that both would help each other and
grow up hand in hand naturing the other as they grow ..
lets just say the chances of them ending up as rivals
and the chances that they would not,
are 50 / 50 ..
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 00:14
Monday, December 25, 2006
alright its christmas, Merry X'mas to all of your !!!
i got an Ipod !! haha and some much needed cash !!!
bought myself 2 shirts with some of the cash,
quite a good buy, all those discounts and stuff ..
watched death note 2 with my cousins and younger sis as well ..
hahaha, dad sponsored us hahaha, saved our pockets ..
the show was well, ok ..
nearing the end, u could predict what it would be like already ..
faked death and all ..
especially the part when the death god wrote Light's name hahah ..
so predictable, but the way the death god reacted was damn funny hahah ..
hmmm, back home now, dad is barberquing the meat again ..
hmmm, was converting the song format and stuff last night ..
finally slept at around 4 am plus ..
tomorrow morning is the morning, after which i would be O.A for a while ..
but i would still be online and stuff hahah ..
still can blog and msn, though i guess i would be a bit slower ..
think there is a high chance that the tattoo would be discovered ..
well, hack it, see than see loh, just face the music ..
think its gonna sound like rebroll at the start ..
now, fit the first four bars of rebroll into it hahaha ..
just imagine ..
ahahah, cant imagine actually hahhaha ..
sounds damn funny la hahaha ..
oh yeah, bought a pouch for the Ipod ..
it came with this micro fabric cloth or something ..
its actualy a phone pouch la, but it was what i was searching for
so i just got one of it, quite cheap as compared to last time ..
hmmmm, was chatting with a friend last night ..
it was then that i realised i am not the only guy with this problem ..
i am not alone ..
when he told me his story, i could almost predict what he would say next ..
it was like listening to my own story told to me by another person ..
i couldn't help but start thinking back,
the memories together with her just came rushing out ..
like when you burst the flood gates of the dam ..
they just kept coming and coming ..
well, luckily i have already got over her quite a bit ..
the worst had past so i wasn't that affected ..
felt sorry for my friend yet i was very proud to a friend of his ..
such guys like him are a rare find ..
even after all that has happened to him,
he still doesn't blame her or anything at all,
others before self, her before himself still ..
i salute you ..
we chatted for a damn longtime i guess,
like about 4 hrs plus, up to 2 am ..
ended up joking about this other guy,
if he were to touch his ex, what would we do to him ..
and i was like, dun worry, alot of us would blanket party him hahah ..
anyway, all the best to you !!
hmmm, pretty bored now, there's not many people online either ..
dunno what can i do now, prepared my Ipod for tomorrow ..
though i guess i would be sleeping most of the time tomorrow ..
have to stop eating by mid night, can still drink though ..
so i shall get myself a cup of milo later tsktsk ..
hospital milo tastes like shit seriously hahah,
but the overall standard of their food has increased la hahah ..
now at least there is some taste in their food ..
the last time i was there, i tried asking the nurse for a second helping ..
she say don have le, but got milo and biscuits ahha ..
sians, must give mac a call tomorrow,
ask them deliver to whichever room i would be in hahahah ..
than i shall eat in front of the others hahah, nice smell ..
no la kidding only, i am not so evil ahah ..
kk, this is enough crapping, shall blog again other times ..
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 19:59
Sunday, December 24, 2006
back to blog ..
concert is over, an entire day at VCH ..
never felt that tired before, to add to it,i didnt sleep the entire night before concert ..
didnt feel the effect till swo's rehearsal after the afternoon concert ..
literally had my clarinet swinging left and right hahah ..
i hold it upright in my right hand with the bell resting on my right leg ..
so whenever i fell asleep, it just swayed wildly, pretty dangerous ..
swayed all the way in front of amer's face and he got a shot ..
luckily he sort of called out to me when it went in front of him,
if not i believed my clarinet would be on the floor ..
was damn tired, having many bar rest didnt help either,
fell asleep counting them hahaha ..
concerts were fine, quite nice ..
swo concert was great according to my friends who attended ..
they were impressed with the soloist for the concertos ..
hmmmm, let me see what else ..
oh yeah, had the chance to know a few of our band members better ..
lingzi, chun bok, sok hian, yingxian and lynette ..
if i spelled any of ya names wrongly, please pardon me ..
had lunch with them, dinner as well ..
chatted over dinner, thats how i got to know them a little better ..
i still dont understand something, neither do i see why should it turn out like this ..
if things have been assigned and planned,
why than have others got to do the job, and why the inefficiency ?
i really have no idea ..
and i cant understand why do they not have the initiative ..
well, was just thinking about something ..
i guess for many of us, this is something that we do unknowingly ..
how many of you guys wear a different mask for something different ?
like maybe at your work place you portray yourself differently from
when you are at home, to the people at these places ..
some times we even break it down to the different indivuals we are with right ?
how come its like this ? for what reasons ?
is it just a human character thing in almost all of us or is it our
indivual character or the need for it ?
i know one reason can be fear hahah ..
i behave like a monkey when i was in sec school,
but i was a guai boy at home, that's why my dad said i dont shit where i eat haha ..
i guess many of us reading this would not give it much thought,
but it really made me think, why the change for different enviroments ..
comes very naturally at time too ..
just some random thoughts ..
wow, i guess i am becoming more daring with whom i speak with ..
usually chat any'o'how with my friends and classmates only ..
not a bad thing though, but i just have to keep in check that
i do not cross the limit ..
hmmm, think i wanna do some self reflection later,
about my life, what i really want and stuff ..
i have decided that girls would forever be secondary,
that she would one day come naturally somehow or another ..
sometimes in life, we encounter situations where the more we push for it,
the further we get from it ..
so i decided to let nature take its course ..
that doesn't mean that i would treat my future gf well or shower her with attention ..
its not me to not pamper my girl friend, for some strange reason ..
right now, i wanna set certain things straight though it may be too late ..
guess i really have changed alot, my character i mean ..
i would give a damn about anything in the past ..
wonder what exactly am i like now ..
some who know me say i am a nice guy,
some who know me say i am like a play boy,
some who know me say i have a glib tongue ..
all the funny stuff la, i also dunno ..
when i am real nice to a person, it usually means i have a motive for doing so ..
it doesn't neccessarily mean i want something from that person ..
when i am pissed off with a person, that person would know it ..
i dont usually condemn people at first sight,
it depends what comes out from their mouth for
what comes out of your mouth comes from your heart ..
and it speaks alot about that indivual, his character and all ..
its not very diffcult to read a person ..
the eyes are the doors to the soul ..
its all in the body and verbal language,
what the person says to those around him, and how that person behaves around others ..
however, its possible that we may misjudge a person ..
piercing my tongue, those who dont know me would say i am ah beng ..
those who do, would say he is hao wan er yi, or still imatured ..
this is just an example of how we may judge a book by its cover wrongly ..
guess that was quite a bit of talk ..
borrowed from tian ze his final fantasy, the spirit within ..
shall watch it later ..
thomas gave me a ride home again ..
we were at mac with the other band members ..
went there after having a pot luck party at andrew's house ..
anyway, thomas drove me back and it started to rain ..
guess what, my gate was locked, had to climb over the metal gate ..
and my dog thought i was an intruder, kept barking ..
that was still fine ..
was having my bath halfway when the house suddenly had a black out ..
great, it was damn dark in the toilet, not to mention the heater went out as well ..
which meant i wouldn't have hot water for long ..
just had to wait till the power came back on, which was like a few mins later, luckily ..
the last time the power went off, it lasted for 30 to 60 mins ..
guess i shall stop here ..
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 01:38