her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 13:00
man, i cant find it ..
searched through old records, like for 30 over mins ..
yet i still cant dig out a single clue ..
its points to God knows which direction ..
seriously i feel like taking a puff ..
not that its nice or anything, but that moment of estacy
just takes away the pain ..
feel like just going downstairs and steal a cigarette from dad ..
man, feeling like shit, i cant sleep ..
i seem to be lost again, just purely lost, like floating in space ..
lost that aim in life, i need a sort of wake up call again ..
if i have a car, i would be at some open air area now ..
maybe the beach, yes i like the beach ..
so peaceful and quiet, just the stars in the sky,
the sound of the waves against the sand,
the sound of tree leaves brushing against each other,
the medley of animal voices all around ..
its just like having mother nature comfort me with her gentle voice ..
that voice being all that i would hear around me ..
but right now i feel horrible ..
i shall come up with a mental draft regarding these
few matters in the hope that it would help ..
when carried out i mean ..
seriously, i feel like skipping it for maybe a week or two ?
than i wouldn't have to see you again and again ..
than i wouldn't ponder what is wrong ..
neither would i have to meet the opposite of a clown ..
arggghhhh, so many problems these few times ..
~~~~~~~~~~~ tell me what am i to you ~~~~~~~~~~~~
shit, i seem very dark these 2 or 3 days, not good ..
if i am still not dead by 3, would pop a sleeping pill ..
at least it would make me dead for a few hours,
even vampires need rest, talk about the living ..
i guess what i really want now,
would be to cuddle up in the hugs of someone
yeah, i really need that
just wanna you beside me
to have your face beside mine,
your breathing on my skin ..
wanna run my fingers through your hair ..
wanna feel the thumping of your heart ..
just wanna have you with me now ..
missing you and i dont wanna let you go
~~~~ i just wanna be with you ~~~~
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 01:51
Monday, January 29, 2007
arghhhh, trying to upload the pictures taken on jia xian's birthday ..
for some strange reasons, it takes a super long time,
and at the end, it just fails to load ..
hmmm, went for my check up today ..
than went to PML, dad wanted to collect his wipers ..
saw the art car model replica, scale of 1 : 18 ..
can u believe it, one of those models costs a minimum of 300 dollars ..
so damn expensive, waste of precious money ..
hmmm, went to some where in tiong baru for lunch ..
after which we went over to thomson plaza ..
made contacts, this brand is pretty good ..
quite comfortable, like you are not having it on at all ..
went on to collect some stuffs, felt thirsty,
went over to liquids cafe outside of my place ..
met 5 YCKS teachers there, out of which 4 used to teach me :X
drove over to awfully chocolate,
collected martin & vanessa's birthday cakes ..
they are born 2 years apart on the same day and month ..
came home, went for dinner at ikea tampines ..
seriously, we ate lotsa swiss balls there ..
i think there were at least 30 balls on the table altogether ..
went walking around the rest of Ikea after that ..
hmmmm, i still have not figured out the problem ..
seriously this is one irritatingly long problem ..
a plant doesn't grow without roots,
everything has a source, so what the source of this issue ..
puzzled puzzled puzzled
strange that i would only give it thought at this point in time ..
hmmmm, i really dunno ..
oh by the way, when i use the word you in all my entries ..
its a general term that could represent either of my friends ..
"you" is a variable ..
if we had continued with our feelings that night ..
what would things be like now ..
if i chose to continue chasing you instead of her ..
what would things have been like ..
its ironic that i ever had a crush on you ..
it was way before i met her ..
and to you, i loved you whole heartedly ..
there was never room for another in my heart ..
lost lost lost ..
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 21:45
finally able to blog properly, as in say what i wanna say ..
sis gave me 7 mins on her com earlier on ..
had to do everything i wanted to do in that 7 mins,
update my blog entries, check my email blah blah ..
therefore, my post earlier on was super short ..
was thinking i wouldn't be able to use a com tonight ..
but wa la, i am on martin's lappy now hahaha,
can lie down on my bed and blog, even better ..
hmmm, feel like chionging again ..
that night was damn fun ..
lets not talk about MOS,
the atmosphere at Geoghapy itself was already good enough ..
yes that's how its spelled if i am not wrong,
not geography ..
feel like drinking again, you dont have to smoke there,
once you are in, you are a super passive smoker
so its ok la, see how you wanna view it ..
anyway, yeah, just feel like going back there ..
not because of the thai girl,
more of just to relax, chill out and forget all thats in my mind now ..
i think its time to change some stuff now ..
its impossible to please everyone,
true it may be my fault at times ..
i am not afraid to admit my mistake,
just that i wouldn't do so if the other party decides
to play punk and put me down ..
if thats the case, i wont die alone,
someone else has gotta go down with me
one way or another ..
and seriously, i dunno what the hell is wrong ..
why does it always become like this ..
it doesn't matter there's communication between us it seems ..
cause either way, you just seem to have a problem with me ..
try to be nice to ya, and you wanna fuck around
and piss me off, thats fine, i can still tolerate ..
do that frequently, if i ain't angry after a while,
it either means i am in asylum or i am just insane ..
hmmm, it seems to be a game that i cant win ..
cant find the flaw to crack it ..
hmmm, i cant remember what was it like for the first
few times when we met ..
that was how long ago, seriously i cant remember as well ?
maybe 2 years ? yeah guess it was around 2 years ago ..
plus minus a few months i guess haha ..
and yes, it seems to be hard to work with someone i know ..
dunno why, hmmm, got mouth as good as no mouth ..
fucking standing in front of you and it seems to you
that i grew up eating glass ..
seriously i dunno how you do it,
you seem to have an extremely acute sense in detecting
the flaws of others and then,
your mindset is set on those flaws only ..
if only i can be like you, would have forgotten many people already ..
too bad i am too happy a person, too jolly, too fun loving ..
feel like dancing now as it is hahaha ..
reminds me of a friend i knew,
just like to complain and be negative about whatever
that friend does, or those around that friend does ..
man, i am being so all over in this entry,
just shooting and shooting ..
i am so tired seriously, not physically ..
i am like losing a game here, but i dont want to ..
like dad's in the back ground saying mitchell shut the com down,
but here i am saying, dad i am gonna win already, a while more pls ..
yes, victory always seems to be so close,
yet its so far ..
hmmm, shall think about it,
anyway thats the reason why i cant sleep now ..
i am thinking what went wrong between us,
how the hell we can have a war colder than the cold war ..
still remember that night at the chalet,
playing cards in the room, what game was it ..
was playing it for the first time ..
is it bridge ? i cant remember the name ..
4 players, 2 would work hand in hand to win the game
without looking at each other's cards ..
yeah, that night was fun ..
remember the comments of a friend, norain was it ?
hahah, damn random and funny comment ..
damn, i seriously feel like drinking now ..
this house has no liquor, shits ..
ya, so if things seemed smooth sailing back then ..
than why are things like this now ?
or is it purely because we do not understand each other ..
maybe some where along the equation,
there was a misunderstanding or a problem which was left unresolved ?
i seriously dunno what was it,
neither can i decipher what do your actions mean ..
cause, you are one unique person from the others i have met ..
never met someone who can be so cheery around others,
but show me one super long black horse face ..
worst than batman's gd friend, 2 face ..
its as though you have split personality or something ..
and i am just super suay to have the dark side ..
shall continue studying what means what,
i only understand so much on my own ..
my amount of understanding of you,
is only equals to the amount of yourself that you
choose to reveal to me ..
if not, there seriously isn't anything much to do ..
by the way, dunch know if you are reading this ..
anyway, think i wanna clarify something that i
previously felt was unneccessary till my friend told me otherwise ..
pretty long time back, anyway we happened to be on the same bus ..
i just chose to walk pass you and S.H after alighting ..
reason was simple, 2 reasons only ..
1) didn't wanna interrupt you guys, nothing to say also ..
2) just wanted to get the room open before your reached so that
your wouldn't have to wait ..
think what you wanna think, but seriously,
there's no fault for me to find with you ..
there's a limit to my tolerance and it's
not something to be taken as my weak point ..
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 01:00
Sunday, January 28, 2007
alright band today was fine,
played mahler, ida gotkovski, hardy martens and some other songs ..
hmmm, had dinner, everything was pretty fine ..
some duo dented my night a little ..
nevermind, i was having desert,
a coolant for the engines in me ..
okie, hitched a ride back from thomas ..
okie, someone totally, blew the coolant pipes ..
coolant leakage, heat rose to dangerous levels, i blew ..
damn sick right, dunno whats wrong with ya attitude ..
anything just say it, whats the mouth for ?
to get another person to bring your msg to me ?
seriously its hard working with you ..
one day i am just gonna sky rocket in front of everyone,
even if it means the whole group of us ..
anyway, tian ze came over to my place
while waiting for his dad ..
sat by the pond and chit chat a bit ..
and yeah, thats it, his dad came and he went back ..
stomach is screwed ..
shall sleep soon ..
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 22:31
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Anzeal's drawing, beautiful isn't it ?
so is she, she's a pretty girl ..
reminds me of that rain tree pictures thingy ..

view of clark quay from a bridge ..
went to the area in blue, those blue things are actually like super
huge umbrellas providing cover from the elements for the streets below ..
its also where the pubs and stuff are ..
okie here are 2 pics i took in the pub with the thai band ..
pretty poor quality, lightings and all ..
anyway, jia xian ( birthday boy ) in blue,
and chan fai in orange ..
can see from their dressing, they are actually quite good people ..
and yesh, they are the high scorers, both are A students ..
Mathew and Xanny ..
she's our old classmate, came down to celebrate jia xian's birthday ..
she lefted after the birthday song ..
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 17:31
hmmm, woke up around 14:00 plus hahaah ..
means what, i missed school today loh,
lessons were from 0900 to 1200 hrs ..
didn't even realised my alarm went off and my friend called ..
okie, had a headache after stepping out of MOS till i slept ..
hmmm, woke up 2 or 3 times since 12pm onwards ..
but forced myself back to sleep as i was still having headaches ..
hmmm, well, hmmm, i dunno, forgot what i wanna say le,
let me think a while ah ...
oh yeah, MOS haiz, the songs ah, keep repeating, sian ..
for example buttons was played 4 times,
buttons ( remixed ) 2 times,
numb was played 2 times,
beep, around 3 times,
some other songs around 2 or 3 times each as well ..
but those some other songs are nice,
really get u shaking hahahahah ..
okie, andrew is going again next week,
see whether the rest are tagging along hahaha ..
xanny's friend, dunno whats her name,
shall call her, hard core smoker k ? HCS, yup ..
anyway HCS thought i was a regular customer at MOS,
until i told her i corrected her hhahaha, she couldn't tell ..
not a very good sign isn't it, blending in quickly is one thing,
but blending in quickly with this kinda crowd ain't a very good sign ..
gotta admit its very easy for me to be lead astray,
sometimes i just let the playful side of me take over,
to try new things deemed as fun enjoyment ..
okie, no more clubbing for a long time to come,
dont really like this kinda places actually ..
and singapore's club scene is like so mild as compared to the ones
i seen in aussie as a kid hahaha ..
the ang mos are real party goers ..
anyway, thanks HCS & Rebenna for the cigarettes if ur are reading ..
social smoker not frequent smoker ..
hmmm, breathe still stinks, reminds me of WMC ..
all the smokers in NYPWO came from the clarinet section
if i remembered correctly ..
that consisted of me, my sl and the guest player ..
had a smoking session 2 or 3 nights before the competition,
next day my breathe still stank, and jolynn gave it too me hahah ..
smoke some more and u can stop having me as your friend hahah ..
shall study QA after this, get my book, notepad and stuff ..
and a drink !!! hahaha man i want green tea ..
and i feel like going to church !!
had a fun filled night in a mini sin city hahaha ..
no la, dont feel dirty or sinful or what ..
just feel like going to church, so peaceful and relaxing
just to hear the choir singing, watching people praying,
the fire flickering on the alter, the pictures and cross
depicting the passion of the deities for mankind,
the paintings of the Saints / mother mary / christ as a child,
and the stain glasses in mosiac design !!
always found them beautiful ..
wanna be back in germany, in their cathedrals, haiz ..
i just wanna feel peace and quiet ..
would post some pics later ..
not very clear though, taken from my phone ..
shall wait for the better pics from wei ming's camera
after i have posted this haha
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 15:53
okie, just came back from clubbing, yeah its pretty early, 05:08 ..
lets take it as wednesday shall we ..
attended all my classes for the day,
came home washed up, exercise a bit, slack a bit,
washed up than went to meet eugene, check out some stuff,
met his friend to collect some VCDs, clean stuff k haha ..
than headed to meet chan fai and the rest of them at PS mac ..
from there we headed to meridian hotel, had seafood at the
hawker center below, than headed to the next building for 2 rounds of snooker ..
me and eugene lost the first round, did 20 push ups ..
2nd round wasn't completed, no time ..
headed to clark quay to celebrate jia xian birthday ..
this is the fun part, his birthday surprise by the class ..
mathew opened a bottle of 12 year old chivas regal,
the name was something like that ..
i was damn thirsty, so kept toasting with the birthday boy and rest of them ..
let me see who was present ..
chan fai, mathew, his friend rebenna, jia xian, eugene, faizal, wei ming,
andrew, and xanny, 10 of us in total ..
went to this pub, name started with "B"
dunno the full name though, saw a lamborgini gallardo hard top on the way ..
anyway, yeah, thats a good pub around 12 plus ..
thats when the crowd starts to pour in ..
they had a thai rock band which was a friend of rebenna ..
this band had this pretty dancer cum singer ..
anyway, exchanged many glances with her,
shes likes looking me and i dun mind looking at the pretty her ..
not the prettiest girl i have seen but pretty
enough to catch my eye ..
down around 16 glasses of pure chivas regal, with ice of cause,
not full glass also la,
4 full glass of green tea, 3 sticks from rebenna, or was it 4 ..
for some reasons my sticks finish almost 2 times faster than
eugene's or mathew's ..
there was this stupid incident, got a little high due to the alcohol
and the first stick, didn;t smoke in a super long time ..
so on the 2nd stick, i wanted to tap off the ashes,
but i couldn't aim properly and i accidentally put out the burning end haha ..
eugene just looked at me and laugh ..
and for some strange reasons, eugene didnt down at all ..
only to help the birthday boy on one glass ..
i and mathew wanted to put jia xian to sleep actually ..
than didnt in the end, his parents would kill him ..
anyway, the sticks got me higher than the whisky, i think its whisky ..
than around 1 plus they all had to leave ..
so me wei ming and andrew went over to MOS ..
andrew treated us la, so admission could be considered free ..
danced all the way till 0430 plus at the R&B side ..
seriously it was smoke filled ..
found xanny and her friend,
xanny left shortly after they sang the birthday song ..
shared a stick with her friend ..
xanny got burned by my stick, she had flying arms, too bad ..
well, everyone is dancing, and the guys are trying to grind the girls ..
so the girls are getting pushed all over but they enjoyed it ..
so too bad, she got pushed to my cigee ..
ouch hahahaha ..
danced for 4 over hours, with 2 toilet breaks ..
watched girls getting grind and wanting to be grind hahah ..
pretty girls actually, had a few girls pushing themselves to me,
well, didn't really wanna grind, so i had no choice but to
go all the way back to the wall, andrew helped me thankfully ..
he gave them the grinding hehe ..
why should i go for cheapos,
i am not a desporado like most of those guys on the dance floor ...
than there was this super seh girl who insisted to her friends she wanted to dance ..
dance half way than stopped, tried to walk out and collasped ..
seriously, my breathe and clothes stink now ..
any my ears are still ringing hahah, imagine plucking ur
MP3 into ur ears and have it played at full blast ..
or having a trumpet blast into ur ears for 6 solid hours ..
hmmm, thinking of the thai girl, she is, well, sexy ..
prefer the first pub over MOS ..
anyway, lotsa girls at MOS to drool over ..
though i would touch none if i had the chance ..
my leg muscles are aching, like i just had a 2.4 hahah ..
well, good exercise, at the expense of my ears and lungs hahah ..
wanna head back to that first pub, gotta see that girl again hahaha ..
shall stop here for my bathe and shall catch some sleep after that ..
school later hahahaha ..
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 05:07
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
hmmm, maybe the simplest way to let go of something dear
would be to focus on its bad points ..
with time, the value of that person depreciates,
what was the apple of the eye, would be the cause
for hatred ..
hmmm, why live in despair because of another ..
just turn the table right, block out that person and you
wouldn't give a second thought about that person ..
you wouldn't feel concern, worried or whatever for that person ..
that would take a load of your mind ..
instead if you feel negative towards that person,
hmm, it should be better as that load wouldn't be there ..
and it should disappear pretty quick as well ..
how deliciously dark ..
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 21:24
waiting for dad to give me a lift to school later ..
gonna eat my leftover dinner as breakfast hahah ..
hmmm, was thinking last night ..
one of those nights where u just cant get to sleep,
and you are turning around in bed but u still just cant sleep kinda nights ..
yeah, realised that since young i have never really been
able to let go of certain things, very poor at letting go ..
especially when they have something like sentimental value to me ..
be it object or human or whatever ..
like my aunt gave me this game boy when i was pretty young,
those colorless kind, black and white screen ..
even though it was spoilt, i brought it over when my dad took me back ..
and it stayed with a few other items my aunt gave me,
in a cash box under lock and key, the cash box was one of them ..
ocassionally i would take it out before i sleep,
look at it and just think back on those times i spend at
my aunty's place, living with them and all ..
kept those things in that box for like 5 years before i
finally told myself its in the past, forget it,
time is not gonna reverse ..
and now i have this problem, was wondering how long would it take
me to let go of everything ..
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 10:16
Monday, January 22, 2007
hmmm, was in lecture today ..
was paying attention to the entire 2hrs lecture, 1st time ..
lecturer even commented that it was an honour to have
me in his lecture class today,
shows how rare i attended his lectures ..
anyway, yesh, was trying my best to concentrate on the lesson ..
however, those thoughts had to slip into my mind ..
i have to admit thats i didn't pay attention all
the time, there were a few moments where my thoughts
just wondered off else where ..
and a few of those was about her, or that someone ..
found myself wondering and missing that someone ..
seriously i have no idea how and what to do about this
particular distraction ..
and its causing me dearly ..
anyway, got chan fai and jia xian to clear my doubts
on certain parts of this topic ..
finally found out how to use short cut on the calculator ..
spoke to Mr loy after lecture, asked him some questions
about a certain topic ..
hahah, he gave tips during lecture about what would be
in the main exam paper, there is a sub paper ..
too bad all my pig friends and dog friends were napping behind me ..
lecturer decided to use sentences with double meanings to
bring his message across to the class about the exam ..
and when he reached this particular part,
he said this few topics are not relevant ..
and than some idiot just asked,
er cher, exam will come out like that ? show to study ah ?
lecturer looked at me and the both of us just laughed haaha ..
some of them just dont use their brains ..
anyway, his reply was, well,
i said it was irrelevant, its for u to decide whether a not its
gonna appear in the exams ..
other instances included this particular tough question
on the lecture notes ..
he said: this question will magically appear in the exams ..
and still got some guy who went,
means have huh ?
okie, mr loy told me not to give up ..
take my time to understand the topics,
but not too long of cause, not to delay or it would be too late ..
hmmm, yeah ..
doing what i can ..
i dont study 24/7 of cause though i should be doing so ..
i mean because of my situation,
i should be studying whenever i have the chance right ..
but yeah, sometimes, i just sit back for an hour or so,
thinking about certain things,
letting all those thoughts run through my mind ..
than when those mathematical fomulaes come to my mind,
i just sort of snap back to reality and jump on my books ..
would be studying after dinner ..
should be able to master another topic by tonight,
wont sleep till i do it ..
chan fai told me this, which i found interesting ..
he said:" u ah, u got the brains but you just never use it properly "
i guess it may be true to some extend,
when i am "on" i can twist any formulaes that i just pick
up on the spot ..
anyway all these are not the main point ..
just gotta get what i have at hand done right ..
than maybe that would open uop the doorway for me
to bargain with my dad about the aussie trip ..
the section doesn't seem to be in good shape ..
i mean, the DH students cant 100% confirm,
and if in the worst case event, if they cant make it,
than it would be down to 4 Bb clarinets ..
would be sort of letting down all who have placed their hope
and maybe trust in me that i would be joining them ..
is 5 months too short to train a player to
be comfortable with the competition pieces ?
taking into account that their basics are there ..
but still not enough for some songs, 4 players ..
nevermind, with me it would be 5 ..
pulling people to study with me, would be studying with the
high scorers soon ..
hope i can make use of their brain juice ..
meanwhile i also hope that i can forget you,
this is a nice girl, somehow i found a way to
overlook the bad points about her,
to be able to brush it aside most of the time ..
to be blind to her bad points and see only the goodness in her ..
yet it would cost me too much to think of her nowadays ..
guess i wouldn't wanna be with her or anyone else
for quite a while too ..
just wanna settle this part of my life ..
shall think further about relationships next time ..
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 20:02
Sunday, January 21, 2007
okie, back to blog ..
just stopped studying my quality assurance ..
strange, one of my modules is not on the exam time table list ..
got to check with the admin office tomorrow ..
and nope, i am not suspended cause
they didn't say that i was debarred or anything ..
maybe website cork up or something ..
shall check tomorrow anyway ..
haiz got medical appointment tomorrow and its gonna clash with
one of the core module lectures, in fact 2 ..
from 3 to 6pm ..
shall change the appointment date to another day,
maybe wednesday or thursday ..
hmmm, guess someone saw through me already ..
i am not hiding it very well right ..
not a very good actor ..
kinda stuck actually, am like a cross junction ..
i have 3 paths to choose ..
one would be to continue waiting for someone,
the other to move on with another someone,
and the 3rd would be to go on without any of those someone ..
i would really like to have option 2,
yet i cant give up option 1 ..
dun get me wrong, i am not treating them like
fishes in the wet market where i pick and choose ..
rather, i weighing out the pros and cons and the possiblity
of things, like which has a better chance and stuff like that ..
hmmm, sometimes this can be so distracting to
what really needs to be done in my life at present ..
i really wish to go full steam into my studies right now,
yet, sometimes this matter pops up in my mind and i get distracted ..
band was great today, pretty fun, short and sweet ..
played this piece, dunno whats the name,
as well as trittco, rebroll and mahler 1 mvt 1, cool eh ?
HAHAHA, those not in ssw or swo, your dont get to
check out such cool pieces BLEH :P
okie feeling a bit childish, but thats a fact ..
man, i feel so fortunate ..
okie la, actually different people like different types of music,
so ya, cant make them feel shity that they dun get to play
real music heehee ..
played on the buffet DG today, ooo,
i love the sound, fatter rounder and juicer than what i can produce on my clarinet ..
mahler loh, the sound changed after mahler haha ..
needa pump alot more air for that song ..
hmmm, i was pretty out of tune the whole time hahah ..
figure 5, came in so out of tune that the con said,
mitchell, wrong note, hahah man, so suay la ..
low Bb still can like that, haiz ..
anyway, hope my lao po get a jaw replacement soon,
than she can start talking with me again hahaha ..
oh, played this piece by some vegetable guy with vivian ..
quite fun, jolly sounding hahah ..
kept making mistakes too, one short piece like that and
we had to restart dunno how many donkey times just
because i couldn't play in tempo ..
crochets leh, oh man oh man, like what he always say,
find a lake and drown urself in it hahah ..
my gosh, i made a break through !!!
finally found out how to study quality assurance hahaha ..
at least now i am studying knowing which direction to head to
and not studying like a sotong swimming in an ocean ..
i think even the sotong knows where and how to get to its goal ..
exams on the 8, 9, 26, 28 feb and 1st march ..
last 3 papers would be super terrible ..
like 2, 3 days interval, should be revision by then though ..
kk, shall stop here, turn in le ..
for some reasons i just cannot absorb anymore for tonight ..
girls, why do i have so much problem with them ..
self created some more, what the hell ..
destruction by my own hands ..
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 22:14
Friday, January 19, 2007
okie, using my sister's com, bro is using his ..
was studying in library and i didnt realised that lessons had
started until my friend smsed me ..
was late by 30 mins, darn ..
sth happened during lecture ..
this guy messed with the wrong class ..
he ended up having the entire lecture class of a nearly a hundred boys backing our friend against him ..
started like this ..
wayne, terrence, da jie was watching a hp clip ..
so guy A at the front told them off rudely to keep it down ..
terrence rebuked him and it escalated till guy A left ..
wayne, his friend and terrence than trailed the guy
to block S and walloped him ..
the guy pleaded and said sorry and that it was his fault ..
than the 3 of them returned to class,
guy A went some where else and returned with guy B ..
guy B interrupted our lecture ..
went to the front behaving like a hooligan,
took the mic from the lecturer and pulled the lecturer to one corner, refusing to let him continue unless terrence came up ..
he proceeded to shut down the 2 OHPs and that was when the class blew up ..
see, the class has a few gang leaders ..
so this guy, guai kia told him to get lost cause we wanted to
study and to take his prob outside ..
Guy B shouted back and they had a heated exchange ..
narudin, the good boi, ended up giving him guy B a push
that send him fyling to the ground ..
literally flying ..
\guy B told him to watch out when was outside, that was why he got the push from narudin ..
guy B than called narudin out to settle the prob ..
than just nice, guy B's other gangster friends opened the door ..
so when the class saw that there was so many ppl outside,
against our one friend, like 6 to 1 ..
all the boys in the class went out and surrounded 3 of the gangsters, the remaining 3 slowly slipped away down the stairs ..
can u imagine, nearly 100 to 6, sure run right ..
in the end guy B called the police cause he received so many
threats from the class gangsters for, ironically,
interrupting class ..
though its not very good,
but it was quite funny, the face of guy B when he
saw so many guys streaming out of the 2 lecture hall doors ..
he literally backed away ..
and guy A was quick to say, misunderstanding don fight,
relax relax, nothing much, we are going off now ..
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 20:34
Thursday, January 18, 2007
okie, sent my com in for servicing today ..
so cureently using my little bro's com to blog,
giving myself a short break ..
was studying at star bucks while waiting for joce ..
first time in my life i sat down and studied for more than 5 hours straight ..
got stucked twice, so i just moved on to the other more important topics in that module ..
can u imagine using formulaes like,
Z = R + jXl
Xl = j*2pi*f*L
SA = 360 / Ns
these are just 3 of the formulaes ..
aiya, part of my house got black out ..
sian, hope the study room not affected,
if not my air con and lights all gone hahah ..
gonna push to 1am, tml wake up go sch ask lecturer some questions le hahaha ..
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 23:53
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Husky in a pet shop at yishun, there really is too little space for it ..

playing with the kois ..
gotta get them used to the hand, their leader is not here in this pic ..
ironically, their leader worth like 3 times lesser than them ..

her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 21:25
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
okie i am stucked in the guest room ..
some guys from the window laminating company are down today ..
what a bad day to pon school ..
intended to study in my room today ..
ended up, i couldn't even take my bathe ..
so yeah, i am in the guest room,
listening to music and using my lappy to blog ..
hmm, the smell is killing me, smells like animal glue or thinner ..
feel like using my com outside but there's a slight drizzle with the super hot sun ..
already i am having a headache ..
dad gave me a lift to school today ..
attend the first lesson than decided to pon ..
3 hours break doing nothing, can die ..
ended up taking 853 to yishun northpoint ..
did some shopping at popular, bought what i needed for now ..
than went searching for key chains,
couldn't find a suitable one so yeah, wait first ..
saw this particular key chain at this shop in northpoint ..
think i would get it for her next time haha, describes her pretty well :)
its nothing bad, its actually a praise, if u know whats written on it ..
than there are those kinda dog tag types they sell at 77th street ..
well, one piece costs SGD 7.90,
and it costs 50 cents per alphabet for engraving,
unless they offer it free but thats like at 2 shops that i know of only ..
dad and bro went out to do something,
think they went out to get the kois ..
its just occured to me last night that i have not been up to my roof for weeks ..
every evening i hear my little bro moving about above my room,
but i never had a clue nor bothered what was he doing ..
he would just measure and cut out plastic wire nettings
to form barricades or something like that ..
but again i never knew what were they for ..
shall check it out later on before my bath ..
oh i only knew he bought a carnivorous fish ..
when my elder bro ask why did he buy it for, hahaha,
he gave the same reason as why i bought a carnivourous fish last time ..
to watch it hunt down it prey, its like watching a documentry,
in a tank ..
i bought a siamese tiger last time, and i kept a tank of neon tetras,
plus my dad's tank of feeder guppies for his 2 arowanas ..
so what i would do is, i would scoop out either a guppy or a neon tetra,
slip it secretly into the siamese tiger's tank, it has no friends in the tank haha..
than watch it stalk and devour its prey ..
no friends because, as u guessed it, it either devours its friends whole,
or its friends would not survive with it around ..
so yeah, he bought an oscar this round hahah,
all fish like this are pretty ugly though hahaha, except the arowana ..
wanna get a blue base arowana next time, if i have the time to maintain it ..
still remember when i was staying at 622 in ang mo kio,
during pri 6 to sec 2 ..
dad would ask give me a dollar to buy 2 bull frogs for his arowana,
either immediately or on my way home from school ..
than i would have to wash the frogs and i could feed the frogs
one by one to the arowana, sometimes goldfishes the size of
two 50 cents coins when view from the side ..
what would happen is, the arowana would swim slowly
around the tank as though it didnt intend to eat the fish or frog ..
than it would sneak closer and with one powerful push,
it would propel itself to grab the prey, it happens so fast
that if u blink, u would miss it ..
sometimes it swollows the frog or fish leg/tail first ..
when that happens, it cant swollow it all the way down cause it would choke ..
it than spits its prey out, this is what happens,
the prey gets shot out, reaches about 15 cm away from the arowana's mouth,
spins non stop in the water, and all of a sudden the arowana would just
dash forward and down the prey goes into the stomach ..
after which it angles itself in a way that has its tail pointing to the surface
and its mouth to the bottom of the tank ..
like sort of faciliating the food to move to the stomach or sth quicker ..
we were once joking about my little bro's fighting fish,
if we dropped it into the tank, would there be a struggle with the
arowana, like the arowana having a hard time getting it ..
so we tried, we dropped his fighting fish in ..
the moment it dropped in, we laughed at a joke my elder bro made,
when we looked back at the tank, all we saw was a few tiny parts of blue fin
sinking to the bottom of the tank haahha ..
anyway those were the times when we joked
, chatted and laughed together ..
i liked it when we were poorer hahaha ..
alright, see blogging kills time ..
my room is done and ready for me ..
i shall go up already ..
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 16:41
Monday, January 15, 2007
hmmm, felt like blogging again ..
think there seems to some improvement between me
and some friend ..
at least it easier for us to chat now, though it could be further polished ..
guess that is what happens when you put people of two different
personalities and try to make them chat ..
like forcing to like poles together,
they'll just keep repelling each other ..
hmmm, yesh, my friend and his ex seems to have a chance
of getting back together !!
feel so happy for them :)
its not easy for two people to find each other and share a special relationship ..
planned to sleep at 1030 yet once again i found myself unable to sleep ..
guess it gonna be another long night ..
i realised that at a certain time i would feel pretty tired ..
than if i force myself to stay awake pass that hour,
i would not be able to sleep till around 4am which is the next hour ..
hmmm, i am pretty bored now ..
no proposals to crack my brains over,
no concerts to plan for, nothing much left
about the studio that needs written stuff to think about ..
i not i can start doing something to occupy myself ..
once again, i am so bored with nothing to do that
i keep thinking about certain stuffs ..
and one of which is her, no not my ex ..
its just this friend of mine ..
i dunno why but the feelings for her seems to
have grown a little more ..
i dont have any intentions to develope it though ..
plan to leave it as it is, sounds stupid hahhahaha ..
but yeah, things between me and her are fine now,
and i donch wanna spoil this friendship of ours ..
somethings are better left the way they are ..
once broken considered sold, sounds familiar ?
because itchy fingers break things ..
similiarly, over developing a friendship could be trouble too ..
just leave things as they are, not gonna decide to touch it ..
eyes are a little heavy hahaha, yet i still cant sleep ..
anyway, was chatting with a friend about this crush of mine ..
he doesn't know who is she cause i refuse to let him in on it ..
so just asked him to guess who might she be haha ..
and his first choice, happens to be this girl in band haha ..
than we started talking and joking about why he chose her hahah ..
and i was like no way and stuff hahah ..
but yeah, that choice of his, the girl is a pretty nice girl too ..
hhaha, what am i saying hahah ..
shall stop here le ..
God bless guys, guys only haha, bb !!
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 22:36
okie, went to the CC today to meet some friends ..
than headed down to accent music after that ..
i told the sales lady at the counter that i called earlier on
regarding my clarinet bell ..
so she asked for the bell, and showed it to the repair man ..
he took a look at it, and told her to call their boss ..
well, the boss was sort of amazed at the cracks ..
he kept looking and looking at it, rotating the bell and stuff ..
and he just said, i never seen or heard of anything like this before ..
and than he asked whether i dropped it,
and i replied, you can be dead sure i didnt drop or knock it into anything at all ..
he was nice enough though to tell me what he would do,
and was patient enough to answer all the questions i threw ..
at the end, i asked for the backun bell catalogue and he showed it to me ..
he even brought out the new Backun-Leblanc Candenza clarinet ..
that one comes with 2 barrels, one is cocobolo and the other grendialla ..
cant spell it, anyway its the wood used to make the clarinet bodies ..
very beautiful wood grain designs ..
bought 2 vandoren 56 reeds, and handed the bell over to him ..
he said they would contact leblanc and would get back to me
within 2 or 3 days, and if they were willing to provide a new bell,
it would take another 5 or 6 days for the new one to arrive ..
feel like trying out the Candenza for fun actually hahah ..
but than again, its no point as its not the one with the backun bell ..
the Symphonie and the other one, i think Legacy has it ..
so its pretty new in singapore haha ..
he couldn't give me the catalogue as that was his only piece ..
they have not even ordered in any bells or barrels yet hahah ..
was looking at the backun traditional bell, pure black ..
not to attractive but thats why i like it besides the quality ..
dun wanna be too striking, plus its supposed to be better ..
anyway, shall wait for news of my bell, man i cant wait ..
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 20:09
okie, listening to the ferrer ferran cd that xing hong passed to me ..
thanks xing hong !!
missed church today, went down to the CC earlier to prepare for meeting ..
was supposed to help tian ze with some stuff ..
win the end didn't, reached later than planned ..
had meeting, than AGM than band practice ..
seriously burned out today, sight read and sight read ..
i think got like 6 or 7 pieces ? dunno, lost count ..
some more nt very light ..
and that stupid old woman say give us something light ..
gave us an euphonium concerto that was arghhh ..
think thats the heaviest eupho con i ever played ..
okie, had a few new members today ..
2 horns and 1 clarinet, cant remember the horn players ..
only remember one boy one girl, and the clar de is ying qing ..
had dinner after that, chat about some stuff ..
laugh laugh here and there as usual, ate more than usual haha ..
joce left first, we continued chatting and laughing ..
discussed some stuff with andrew, got somethings worked out ..
than made my way home, tian ze accompanied me on 169 ..
did some racky, made some mental plans for tomorrow ..
started writing the proposal ..
hmmm, shall make my way to accent music tomorrow
and maybe to band world as well ..
than i would head down to NYP for my 5pm quality
assurance lecture hahah ..
that one skipped too much already, on the debar list le ..
anyway ya, this was my day hahah ..
nothing very eventful actually ..
hmmm, how do i tell you mean so much more to me,
without words or actions ..
is it possible that a person can have love for a person
so bad that that person can actually feel down because
that person chooses to keep it to themself?
still like desert storm, wanna play it again ..
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 02:40