her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 22:49
Saturday, February 24, 2007
so these pictures were taken yesterday, arranged in the order
of the time of the day that they were taken at, 1st to last ..
this is Addison and i slacking while Wilson was chatting with his friend ..
hmmm, at Takashimaya, the pillow casing / bed linen section ..

the French Connection, bought a bad there, something to replace my current one ..
found it pretty nice looking, fashionable perhaps ..
just a picture of it from the front ..

okie this is the bar of Liquids Kitchen ..
so its just a bar and around it there are like tables and chairs thats all ..
nice place to chill out, nice enough ambience ..

my 2nd glass of Martell V.S.O.P on the rocks ..
think VSOP stands for, very soft old pale or something like that ..
yeah i like my drinks as it is, dun like to have it mixed with other stuff ..

this is the receipt, man didnt know 3 monkeys can cook up such a cost ..
they paid me cash, as good as not banking in the money through the machine ..
wasted my time on that stupid machine ..
so this is what we drank ..
GLs stands for glass, one glass of Martell = standard 30ml of that liquid only ..
thats why cocktails are more fun when you are gonna game ..
12 bucks for an entire glass of cocktail ..
Screwdriver, Shirley Temple, Snowball, Topsy Turvy,
i think these are all cocktails, one of them is a mocktail ..

so that was yesterday, spent about 140 bucks yesterday, madness ..
yeah, the bag being the most expensive but deemed the most worth it ..
hmmm, covered Raffles City Sopping Mall, Esplanade,
Marina Square, City Link, CineLeisure, Takashimaya and Wisma Atria yesterday ..
oh than we met Shawn at Bishan J8 Cafe Cartel, chilled out for a little while ..
drank soup and ate free bread there, after buying the bag i deemed myself
way off budget ahah though i was not, safety level la ..
so yeah, 3.60 for a bowl of soup and free flow of bread, filled my tummy haha ..
me Wilson and Shawn headed for Liquids Kitchen after that ..
Addison was pretty tired as he slept for like only 5 hrs
and he did all that walking with me and Wilson so he lefted after that ..
so the remaining 3 of us chilled till around 2, received a call from dad at 2 ..
just nice we were moving off already hahaha, phew hahah ..
reached home around 230am, blogged till like 338 after washing up and stuff ..
didnt realise my internet connection was lost and i clicked publish ..
so everything went as well, got fed up left everything alone and now,
i am re-typing about yesterday, much much much shorter version of cause ..
so its today now hahha, man i realised there is something wrong with me ..
shall come back to that later uh huh hahah ..
hmmm, today huh today ..
well, woke up around 10am, washed up and everything than headed for the CC ..
they were having lunch break just nice, so i had mine too ..
broke the news to Andrew that i was gonna pang seh them muahaha ..
than okie, joked around a little disturbed vimal quite a bit haha ..
played with the band till about 2 than i had to leave already ..
made my way to Christ the King church, 169 to yishun than switched to 853 ..
fell asleep in 853 a few times, was still pretty tired, 6 hrs of sleep last night ..
hmmm, met Addison at the church front gate at 15:00hrs ..
joint the praise and worship session plus the guest speaker apart ..
pretty much enjoyed the whole thing, met a few of them who
actually were from the same batch as me when i was attending church lessons ..
during sec 1 to sec 4, found some faces familiar though i just couldn't
remember their names for some reasons ..
anyway, everything ended at 530pm, thats the time i was supposed
to meet Angel at city hall mrt ..
smsed her at 5 that i would be late,
so she headed to Marina Square to get some stuff while waiting for me ..
took a cab form the church to bishan mrt, 5 bucks cause of that 2 bucks surcharge ..
took the train to city hall, msged her, than made my way to marina square haha ..
less than 10 mins, one hell of a walk from the platform to Marina Square Mall ..
met up, bought the movie tickets at suntec city, had our dinner there too ..
caught the 19:25hrs norbit, went looking at watches after that hahah ..
oh i ate ice cream today too, found it too sweet for me though,
guess i am not a fan of overly sweet stuff ..
did i mentioned ? it was the first time me, Addison and Wilson ever tried
fried mars bars in our lifes, that was on friday yup ..
sweet but i think we kinda loved it yeah, haha ..
so yeah, came home after that, and here i am blogging after my hot bath ahah ..
i love hot baths, dunch ya just love it ? especially when i just wake up or something ..
okie, the problem with me haha ..
hmmm, my appetite is really lousy nowadays as in really bad ..
started to screw up after i fell sick ..
now its like, one bowl of rice is enough for me per meal ..
and i can survive like damn long on one meal without feeling hungry ..
and when its time for the next meal, i gotta force myself to finish the food ..
instead, i have a craving for something else hahaha, pure hard liquer ..
i dunch know why man, but yeah ahahha ..
my jeans is like 28 or 29" and it drops dangerously low when i walk
so much so i have to pull it up every now and than haha ..
and i am eating so little nowadays, bet i am gonna loose more weight ..
seriously there are 2 things i am getting a little hooked to now ..
alcohol and cigarettes, not that i smoke ..
but yeah, the craving is back, bigger than ever and i can feel it ..
very soon the mitchell your know would be reduced to a bag of bones ..
ok, skin and bones plus some meat la huh ..
the last time i took my weight was in dec i think,
and it was around 53kg, but dropped to 50kg cause of the op ..
yeah think its in dec, now i am not sure, maybe 53 again ?
but i am sure its gonna drop further hahah ..
plans for tomorrow, gonna meet the guys for morning mass ..
have lunch together or something than head to band ..
arranged to meet shawn after that at Bishan J8 Cafe Cartel ..
he has a paper on monday, same as me, and we are gonna chiong ..
having dinner there as well, budget dinner hahah ..
a bowl of their, soup of the day, plus free flow of bread ahaha ..
maybe a bottle of johnny walkers, black or gold label hahaha, kidding ..
the rest are true though ahahah, yesh i am gonna study hahah ..
hmm, tummy is grumbling a little but i just dun feel like eating at all ..
man, this totally sucks, can someone out me on a glucose drip?
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 23:12
Thursday, February 22, 2007
okie, just changed my music again ..
this one is softer i think, cant get any death / funeral marches ..
always wanted to have one up on the blog as the back ground music ..
but yeah, cant find one ..
love the one i heard over the television, during the funeral procession
of this guy from the royal family of Monaco ..
really cant remember whether it was a prince or a king or what ..
think it was 1 to 3 years back, some where within that time frame ..
anyway ya, wanna get that song for the back ground music,
but i forgot whats the title of it ..
nvm, shall have one up next time hahahah ..
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 23:42
okie, so there will be a class gathering tomorrow ..
class gathering of whatever is left of the class, our church class ..
gathering's gonna be at liquids kitchen, and i think they are gonna open a bottle ..
charlene would be down, most likely, which is good cause we dont always see her ..
yeah, rarely do we see each other actually ..
and thanks freda, she gave me roxanna's msn, though unfortunately,
roxanna has yet to accept my request to add her ..
cant believe something, the girl i found an eye candy in church last sunday,
happened to be her, roxanna, gosh she changed so much ..
slimmed down like a lot alot alot, actually too slim hahah,
however there's no such thing as too slim for the ladies ..
am i not right you sweetie pies ? hahahah ..
so wilson and addison, both sons, are gonna watch letters from iwo jima first ..
and i would be meeting them after their movie ..
most likey gonna do some window shopping to kill time,
than we shall move on to meet the rest ..
dunno who would be going though, as for now the name list would be,
wilson, addison, shawn ang, charlene, me, leon, wendy ..
some of them are bringing their own friends to add on as well ..
actually, they are bringing girls hahaha at shawn's request ..
at least then, charlene would have some female company ..
think its gonna end late tomorrow, not sure how is she going home ..
shall check with her tomorrow ..
my hair is gettin too long and its irritating my eyes ..
gotta get a hair cut soon, arghhh, that means spending money ..
well what to do ..
okie shall end here hahah .. tctc
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 22:15
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
alright, i have stopped it, for my good and for the good of those innocent hearts ..
went for driving lessons today, had car 203 and the same instructor twice ..
each instructor is allocated a car for that month ..
and i think the computer would give you the same car for
consecutive lessons in the same date cause its been like this all the time for me ..
i may be quite wrong about that though ahhah ..
hahah, i was always going higher and higher but never changing to a lower gear ..
which also means, i was always stopping at gear 3 or 4 ..
like to clutch in than completely stop the car which is wrong hahahah ..
so during the first lesson, the instructor pointed out the mistakes
learned new stuff and ya, completed 2 topics ..
than during the 2nd lesson, i managed to automatically incoporate
the correct techniques and stuff hahaha, completed another two topics ..
nearly met with a serious accident today ahah ..
was quite a heavy vehicle, those industrial kind, hmmm, how should i describe it ..
didnt really observe what did it look like, erm, just imagine this ..
length wise it was around that of a bus, it had a kind of body design whereby
a load would rest on its chasis at the back of the driver's cabin ..
very much like a prime-mover ..
the load at the back was like a big metal box half the height of
those normal containers you would see at a shipyard and i think it
had one of those mechanical crane arms attached to it as well ..
yeah, long heavy vehicle, one of my fears hahahha ..
anyway, i was on the major lane, and out of the minor lane came this
vehicle that is used to clean the roads, those vacuum tank kind
with the word "onyx" on its side, mainly white and grey in color ..
it was moving normally towards the major lane when it just stopped,
so i picked up speed, but then it just kept creeping forward ..
hahah, the instructor told me to signal right for a lane change to avoid it ..
so i signalled, was still looking at the cleaning vehicle,
than i prepared to avoid it by cutting to the middle lane alittle ..
i was on gear 3 roughly around 40km and picking up speed,
i just switched gear and was heading for gear 4 actually, till that fellow showed up ..
so i checked my rear view mirror, and i saw something large on my right back,
i couldn't tell clearly what it was cause i took a glance,
only that it was green and it took up the entire height of the mirror ..
quickly checked my right side view mirror and i was like oh shit,
first thing that came to my mind, big truck hahaah and the
cleaning utility vehicle was still inching out to the major road,
it had those hazard lights on at the top but the driver was looking at us calmly
and the damn machine was creeping and creeping towards us ..
so ya, instructor saw the big truck as well, and he said dun turn, like duh,
while he started stepping the brake pedal on his side, i didn't know that ..
that i realised that eh, why my speed drop so much, than the car
started jerking and i hit the clutch, just nice on time hahaha ..
k my car was slightly in the middle lane as we were forced to by the
cleaning vehicle and the damn big truck just went pass us on our right ..
all this happened pretty fast ahahah like within a distance of 3 street lamps ..
lucky i didn't turn the steering wheel too much, if not the car would be a goner ..
hahaha and if the big truck's driver did try to avoid us,
the other car on his right would be a super real goner hahahahh ..
instructor was like:" thats scary, dunno what the hell was he trying to do,
lucky you didn't turn too much if not we would be pan cakes, you know why right? did you check the mirror before you turn?"
hahah we were laughing all the way in the car about that hahah ..
yes i did check but i have a bad habit, immediately after checking my rear
view mirror, i would start turning the steering wheel already ..
than there was this kid and his grandma i think ..
along ave 4, freaking scary ahhahah ..
was crusing at about 40 to 50 and slowing cause it was red light at the next junction ..
than there was the ah ma and her boy waiting by the road ..
suddenly the ah ma just nudged her grand son and they STROLLED across
the 2 lanes when i was like damn near them ..
i was just 3 or 4 trees away from them, what were they thinking???
if they ran it was ok, but they STROLLED !!! and the boy was swinging his arms
happily like he was worshipping something ..
needless to say, i brought the car to quite a slow speed, around 20 to 30,
changing to gear 2 at the same time hahaha ..
instructor was like:" good good, phew mad one, close call again, thats one scary grand mother hahah"
i was like, ya damn damn damn scary ..
after that i maintained my speed around 40 whenever we had to travel
along that stretch of road hahahah, anyway i lived there before
and the junction near there is filled with accidents ..
like the most clocked in a month was 4 i think ..
every few nights you would hear a few bangs hahah than the entire
blocks around would have people sticking their heads out of the window ..
than dad would be picking up the house phone, hi i would like to report an acci .......
haha, damn fun though its scary hahahah ..
and i drove without my right shoe today hahahah ..
cause it was a little bit too roomy and i couldn't "feel" the accelarator,
so i would be pressing too much everytime, took it off after a while hahah ..
none of us met up in the end hahaha ..
tried to organise a meeting yet i found myself a little too tired at the end of the day ..
luckily none was able to make it in the end hahaha ..
went to AMK hub after driving today, went to bits & pieces ..
took a look at the "bicycle chain" design haha ..
strolled around whatever there was of the mall, bought a donut as i was hungry ..
and i realised something, i froze when her fingers unneccessarily
stroked further back beyond my thumb area just to take a 2 dollar note
held between my index finger and thumb ..
her fingers felt so nice to the touch for some reasons,
her skin was so smooth and all that her fingers just seemed to glide over my skin ..
maybe it was because of the action as well that the effect was achieved ..
anyway, yeah, this weird feeling filled me instantly ..
it was cold and there was a tingling sensation ..
i felt weird seriously, so weird i pulled my hand back almost instantly ..
and i felt shy . stunned and a little embarrassed at the same time ..
if at that point of time i had to answer a question,
surely i would have fumbled with my words ..
well u can guessed what i did, the moment the donut was ready,
she handed me the paper bag, i had to make an effort to take it from her
as i normally would, the moment it was in my hands pass the counter,
i vanished from the stall hahah ..
i had to make an efort can u believe it?
mitchell caught off guard in a situation like that, this kinda situation, man ..
i tried my best to be as normal, maybe i tried two hard because i
took the bag from her with both my hands hahaha ..
like that was unneccessary behaviour from a customer ..
and her cute sweet innocent face with that cute sweet smile
didn't help me one bit seriously, i can swear my life on that haha ..
man, what an eventful day ..
what did i realise? well simply said, i am still not very comfortable getting
into contact with other people, especially those of the opposite sex
with a cute sweet innocent face and smile hahah ..
no la that just bull shit, but ya, it was quite an amusing experience ..
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 22:35