ok, something happened today, for the second time since we moved in.
pebbles was chasing the post man on his bike along the fence.
dunch know how on earth she missed it, she fell into one of the chambers.
that's a 6 ft drop. we were in the living room.
dad went outside to continue cleaning the pond, then he was like,
marcus you bath yet? pebbles fell in again.
five pipes at the bottom of this chamber,
each for one of the pond's five filter chambers.
its a tap kinda system to drain out water from those chambers.
so yeah, dad was preparing to drain out the water.
guess she just barked while chasing the bike and in she went.
marcus had to go in to fish her out.
okie, something's wrong with my eyes and my stomach.
anything within 15 to 20cm of my eyes, i cant focus on it.
really difficult and uncomfortable to read the papers or the time on the watch.
must have been thursday night. switched on table lamp with the bulbs facing me.
was like lying on my bed around 12 mid night, wanted to visit the toilet.
couldn't see, reached for the lamp, pressed the switch and, flash bang effect, twice.
or it may be the sloan that got into my eyes by accident.
and my stomach. lao sai lao sai...irritating. hope i would be fine tomorrow.
dun wanna run to toilet during prac, troublesome.
hmmm, let me see, just recalled some more details about today.
alright, melvyn wanted to take a ride in the M6. so dad told marcus to give him one.
i tagged along. drove along mandai road. max speed was 170kph to around 180kph.
that was at 400 bhp. brought the car up to 500 horses but there
wasn't enough space to hit higher speeds at 500 horses. there were other cars.
wind down the windows when we were under the express way.
melvyn was like wowwww. i was like, woah as well. never heard that before.
sounded like many many ducatis racing in a tunnel as one.
so dinner time. marcus went out, didnt join us for dinner. there were 7 of us.
so dad told melvyn to drive the 545i, and he drove the M6.
had dinner at Din Tai Fung, melvyn, shirley and
i helped choose some classy clothes for vanessa.
her clothings are like, those 10 bucks for 2 or something. very aunty or lian.
so we were at J8. the girls were checking out this shop opposite converse.
found melvyn standing outside the store looking at them
with arms folded across his chest. after a while i told shirley.
gotta keep the skirt length in check, mum doesn't like her wearing short ones.
than melvyn was like, here the clothes very ah lian leh.
so we were like, aiyo, how ah. where to get nicer more decent ones.
after a while i was like, hmmm, fox fashion and esprit.
bought some kinda shorts for her at Esprit. shirley chose it for her.
melvyn and i was like, hmm, nice, call mummy come and inspect.
she gave the green light and it was settled, than hagendiaz. martin and that pic.
on the way back home, melvyn was said,
i never ever thought i would be able to drive a beamer in my entire life.
ok, my stomach just screwed up again. did my business, found myself hungry.
like 1hr after dinner and i am hungry. ok.
was bathing halfway when i realised the floor had red patches on it.
i was like oh my nose is bleeding. sian.
this blood thing was has been in my nose for a few days already.
so its nose bleed, on off headaches, diarhoea, and that stupid off focus vision.
really irritating, really very very irritating.