her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 00:34
Thursday, October 18, 2007

yesh, my latest toy. also the my most expensive purchase to date haha.
canon powershot S5 IS. narrowed down my search to this one.
it was either the Ixus 950 IS, Ixus 860 IS, Powershot S3 IS or the S5 IS.
this range has what i want, more fun in it. more flexible too.
when i was bought the cam back, dad was nagging a little bit.
was saying how much i get it, he could get it cheaper from uncle sam.
called uncle sam at 12 mid-night, uncle sam told him 600 plus, i bought it at 710.
said he would check at the shop the next morning cause he wasn't sure.
based on that, dad went on and on about me getting cheated.
heard it was MS color he said, oh sure get cheated. things there are ex.
marcus was laughing and laughing, melvyn was nvm, take it as a lesson learnt.
marcus took the cam, just fiddled with it. than he was like, haha SLR look a like.
than we were joking about this and that.
then he was like, haha you cant change the lens. i was like, no can change.
just push this ring, press this turn that, than can change liao.
he was like wa.
continued to find some other things that it couldn't match up to the SLR.
well, the website already says it,
The Power of an SLR, The convenience of a Powershot.
anyway, uncle sam called the next day,
told dad the price for us would be 710 if i wanted.
it was only on wednesday, that i learnt my friend was MS Color's boss' son.
that explains why he quoted cash price for the cameras i was checking on.
and the very few but extra break time he had hahah.
shit, i should have realised it, since he didn't always wear their shirt to work.
ah, martin and vanessa has a blog. how interesting.
quite simple blogs. martin's really simple.
almost like mine without the music and tagboard. vanessa's blog is more fanciful.
well, she is a young girl.
and melvyn takes hell alot of pictures like marcus too.
only that he likes taking people and sports kind. like fencing.
the FSI club even bought his pictures for their upcoming website. cool eh.
saw some of the pictures he took of people. quite nice.
what does he like about it? the emotion they display.
he says, the picture must tell story. and he gave some examples.
our common kinda picture, those that are partially off focus. a blur effect kind.
shit. i didn't realise all this until recently.
ah, an easier way to organise our contacts on our phones.
see, i have 3 bros and a sis.
so its pretty troublesome to scroll to the different names to get them.
cant list it as bro 1 2 4, cause then, sis would end up somewhere else in the list.
so now its number 1,2, 4, 5. gets the job done, simple and neat.
got the idea from melvyn. he always go, watashi number 1.
too much Japanese anime already. darn. Iphone delayed.
coming in end of nov. long way to go. i realised that if i get that.
i would be able to sell my current phone for cash.
use the cash to get a phone for army. oh well.
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 23:10
Monday, October 15, 2007
short entry for today. just came back, went out with some friends had some fun.
band today was ok, enough to lose a kilogram or two.
really rusty, really need to get some practice done.
just needa get back on track.
hmm, was thinking of many things today while walking around.
walked a little, meet up with a friend, went out for dinner blah blah.
just walk a bit from here to there. had quite some time to think of things.
there was this particular one thought that was stucked on my mind through the day.
it has always been there, never seem to get off since it came.
its fascinating. its a part of me that's foreign to me. and i never thought it possible.
anyway, had a heavy dinner, really heavy one. gonna exercise tomorrow morning.
run the dog i guess. chin up. rest a while, wash up, eat something. practice.
i am quite a lucky guy actually. i mean. everything's there.
everything that i would need to make life good for me, its there.
good friends, well to do family, whole family.
its just myself that i need, to make take the next stuff to make it perfect.
just needa patch a few things up properly, correct some things.
i realise i have been doing yet another thing. this game thing.
not exactly a game anymore. anyway, i have been divided into 2.
desire and rational. i managed to hook the girl and then, i did something i never did.
i threw it away. i just decided it wasn't right to play her feelings.
no not sex or what, but yeah. just getting into a relationship,
if you are not serious about it, you are gonna hurt the other party.
so i pulled out, made an escape for myself.
thank goodness i managed to think of one.
cant even begin to think of what it would have been like.
to be with someone i will never be true to. to live a life of lies.
like grandma always scolded me when i was young.
dont lie, once you start, you have to keep lying to cover the previous lie,
and you would just sink deeper and deeper. always be honest.
honesty, is the best policy.
thats one victory over myself for myself.
eyes have more or less ceased its auto roam function nowadays though it still does.
hahaha, from time to time. i think that cant be helped.
shall explore, reflect, think about what can i change, or what can i make right.
live an upright life, thats the best.
the priest said last sunday, which i find very true.
christians dare to evangelise, they dare to say that they believe in God.
that's why their faith can be challenged yet not crumble.
well, i find it really true, its pretty amazing sometimes.
just attend their mass, seeing them worship. its wow compared to us catholics.
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 00:24
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Martin's friend gave him a link to this friendster group.
dragon tooth, like the one in the channel 8, 9pm serial drama.
its group description, long live the dragon tooth....

my cars, all mine !!! 7,6,5,3,4.

i was just wondering, what if one day. in a freak accident.
i lose my family. whats life gonna be like. all the bills to pay and stuff like that.
the company, how am i gonna rein it. the houses would be so empty, no occupants.
then the belongings, throw or keep ? to throw would not be sentimental me.
but to keep would be to torture myself. just wondering what would life be like.
one thing's for sure, alot of things that i now enjoy would have to go.
either out them aside to set things right first, or put them aside permenantly.
okie, whenever i post any pictures, the paragraphing thing seems to fail.
everything would end up as one body. one big mess.
gonna fly to korea somewhere around the 5 of nov. business trip there.
uncle lai owns the asian market franchise for Califonia Pizza Kitchen.
so he's flying to korea to set up some branches there as well.
tap into their market. by the way, they have a branch at the forum.
some of the dishes there pack a punch. forgot whats our business there with him.
something to do with the F & B industry, sounds delicious.
korea, never been there before. love their shows, lotsa emotions in them.
wonder what can we get back from there.
dad was saying, if we can pull in a profit from the house,
we would fly business class to korea. just wanna fly comfortably there.
what happened in the end was, martin, vanessa and i started throwing questions.
how much is it, between economy and business class per ticket.
how long is the journey blah blah.
and the 3 of us plus mum agreed that it wasn't worth it.
we should stick to economy class. the difference could be used for other things.
martin said after a while, but in economy class they serve u wine and chocolate and other good food leh. i was like huh, you pay that much extra money for your food.
after a while dad said, see how. hahaha.
anyway, the journey ain't gonna be like 13 hrs. roughly 5 hrs i think.
dad wants me to go for a hair cut hahahah. told him i wanna wait.
said my other friends weren't gonna cut as well. wanna wait till before enlistment.
just trim our hair down neatly so that the shaving wouldn't be painful.
heard some stories from bro. trim a little after oct. keep it till enlistment.
alright, melvyn taught me some chin up training techniques 2/3 weeks back.
been training ever since. every other alternate days. my left shoulder still sucks.
in fact when i did the pull ups for the back, i actually re-injure it i think.
cause now it hurts, did it last night. so i am sticking to the standard chin ups.
its really tougher than training the normal way. been using one.
tried the other before, decided it wasn't time. gonna start it soon though.
okie, sets of 6. do 6, rest a short while, do another 6, rest, and another 6. 18.
everytime i pass the bar, just do one set of 18.
the other one which i have not started, is the isometric chin up.
pull all the way up, hold for 15 secs.
come down a little, widen angle at the elbow, hold 15.
all the way to a right angle. more if i want hahah. cant last very long on that.
i think the bar will just drop off the frame, too much vibration.
oh its 1am. church then lunch then band prac tomorrow.
ah yeah.
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 00:38
Friday, October 12, 2007
ok, had some fun with google earth. you can actually view military bases with it.
some of the singapore military bases. its supposed to be blacked out.
anyway, dad was testing it out than melvin went, thats where i park my 4 mistress.
this one though, is changi airport.

and this, is spring side estate. its about 2 years old already, this map.
ah, this one. came in on thursday haha. dad bought it for melvyn first.
equip him with cool stuff. he cant use it during work though.
so dad would get PML to request for a 2nd sim card form singtel.
just gonna say its for the car phone. so when he can toggle between the two.
4 more units coming in by 17 oct i think. me and martin dont want it though.
dunno when am i gonna enlist, plus martin and i prefer to buy our own stuff.
get the sense of satisfaction plus you would treasure it more.
see how things go.
S500i. looks cool so i just googled a picture of it for posting.
okie, work's fine. made new friends. my pal, clarice, who works with me,
introduced me to the other workers. quite a fun place, though boring at times.
clicked pretty well with the boy at the cam shop.
asked him the price of the Canon 950IS, he gave me the cash price.
i was like ok haha. thats how they earn anyway, either way, they make.
coincidentally, clarice played the clarinet,
shares the same birth month and year as me.
she's the club kind i am the pub kind but we stll get along fine.
ah lian but quite a nice person. though she's pretty foul mouth.
she actually got it from me. cam boy, ivan, came over to chat with us.
and she ended up the butt of our jokes, and became a bit vulgar.
we were all laughing away. but i just dont like it that way. so yeah haha, she got it.
after that she only managed the first word before cutting herself off hahah.
nice person other than that. ivan as well. very sociable. quite a nice guy.
offers to packet food for us. candy, crazy girl, not as crazy as clarice though.
if candy's bored, its hay wire. lucky xavier works with her most of the time.
the shop location's good. there's this shop selling CDs opposite.
if there isn't any customers, we get to watch movies.
a relaxing job, actually, too relaxing for me.
hmmm. let me see. i memorised quite alot of the game already.
just play it till i know whats what. where to turn next. what to expect.
just up the level earlier on. went on to legendary. madness.
really damn tough. played with martin after dinner. fought the flood.
it really was madness. every mission we would die a few times each.
the flood basically came on us wave after wave. kept running out of ammo.
melvyn tried a bit, was a bit, erm, zha zha, hahah.
ok, onna wake up early tomorrow. ending here.
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 00:57
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
alright, back to killing the character. had to game last night bought halo 3.
shall come to that later. back to the fun. hmm, let me see.
oh yeah. most of you would remember the rib cage like protusions on the aliens
in the show alien vs predator. well, lets fit some of those on the fellow ya.
hmmm, the arms, a common place for such body modifications.
just gonna use a razor to cut the skin yup. not to sharp but sharp enough.
make a slit, insert the plastic. and its done. use a staple to seal the slit.
not too much fun today. a bit tired. oooopppppsssyy.
i think an eye ball just popped out.
ah. halo 3. another form of entertainment.
bought it on monday. came home from work, washed up and wa la. game.
that was around 11 when i started. stopped at 03:40.
gamed for another 9 or 10 hrs today. just completed the game about 20 mins back.
its good, really good. though its short. played level 3 difficulty, out of 4.
quite tough at some stages. fighting the flood especially.
played with martin last night, team up to complete the campaign.
played for about 2 hrs as a team. was alot easier.
just kill each other to get more ammo.
everytime u die, you will revive beside your team mate with a new set of weapons.
makes life alot easier. didnt really get to capture much of the enemy's vehicles.
had to take them out rather than hijack them, too heavily guarded.
those like the wraiths or the prowlers. anyway, its a great game.
burnt a gret big hole in my pocket too. gone in 2 days. like wow.
its ok, can earn it back in a day or 2. not that bad i guess.
shall blog another time. gonna get busy. ouch.
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 22:16
Sunday, October 07, 2007
i wonder whats it like to take life from another human being.
watch as the sip out of the person. last few breathes. laboured ones maybe.
maybe say. when you stab a person ? push the knife through the throat.
bit by bit. that would be too quick though. or like what the japanese did.
just modify a little more. nail the fellow to a cross like christ.
provide a platform though.
if not he would die of muscle fatigue around the lung area once his arm and chest muscles give way. cant pull himself up to breathe. yeah.
then let me see. use a dagger, dig holes in the body, tiny ones. not too deep.
that way the blood can still clog up the wound. a bit hard to finish off like that.
leave him there a while more. shall continue killing the character tomorrow night.
hmmm, was chatting in the car with parents while on the way home from PML.
we have to marry in church. thats the only condition dad sets hahah.
he wont say whether or not we should marry who. he'll just stay neutral.
the only condition is that we marry in church and the kids be baptized.
i was like, haiz sian. but i dont mind actually. sounds nice.
only that singapore's churches are not what i picture myself to be married in.
that means two thing though, with that condition.
either my wife to be is catholic, if not she has to convert.
cause the priest wont allow the ceremony in church unless both are baptized.
no can do even if she's christian. oh well. i am fine with that.
church girls are alot nicer. prefer them over the others. not physically nicer.
hink i said this before. its just the upbringing.
makes the person. plus the church imbues certain values in a person.
thats why church girls are my kinda girls when i go serious.
arghhh, marriage. big hole in the pocket. an a pair of handcuffs. scary, NOT HAHA.
shouldn't get a wife actually. got a dangerous temper.violent actually.
hasn't blown in a long time. not good actually.
shallfind a few stones, bring up to the roof and just throw till
them into the field till i am tired, one day. hahaa.
i found my cross. had it since sec school.
when we shifted over to this house, i kept it somewhere.
cant even remember where i found it 3 days back.
anyway, its the cross of benedict i think. about 4cm tall hahaha.
a tiny bit longer than my middle finger. back then, i bought it cause i like the design.
this particular kinda designs attract me. a normal crucifix with a circle in the center.
like the one on my back. but this one's beautiful. made of wood and metal.
not sure if i can get a bigger one. hang it up in my room next time.
when i have my own room. the bigger crucifix, if i can get it.
now where shall i hang this small one. ah, found a place.
the corner of my bed frame's back rest haha.
just have to figure out how to get it stuck there. needa use fishing line.
the 3M hook thing. hook the 3M thing to the back of the back rest so it cant be seen.
attach it with the fishing line hahaha. have no where else actually.
shall take a look around the room later.
room's really empty. cleared out to much rubbish. it looks too empty now haha.
martin tidied his areas. books neatly stacked. so ya. everything looks too good.
think i shall re-arrange some stuff later. wanna get more BMW car models.
the art cars are really neat. but they are pretty ex. like around 280 for one.
haiz. stupid piece of metal. so ex. brand sells.
shall pop by wheel lock place after i confirm that melvyn's Z4,
doesn't come with a Z4 coupe model. get him an exact one like the real thing.
hopefully they do sell. ah, the towel rack in the room looks bad.
really out of place. its an eye sore to me. shouldn't even be in the room.
thing is, it cant dry in the toilet haha. use it before i sleep.
use it when i wake up 9 hrs later, its still a little damp. miserable.
let me see, we have a statue of christ, a picture of a cathedral,
a picture of a cross, and my mini cross in this room. this is getting random.
this room is really too big for my liking. not counting the wardrope area.
i like something around 3/4 this size. too big, it would seem empty.
to me, it loses the feeling of warmth. unless of cause, you throw in some furniture.
combination of wood, glass and metal would be nice.
modern and warm looking. glass panels protruding from the walls as shelves.
that would be nice. wooden frames with frosted glass panels for the cupboards.
sounds fun. if possible, i wouldn't have any swing doors.
including the door to the room, sliding doors hahah.
ok, man, day dreaming hahah. dad's weird. he wants a big plot of land.
6000sq ft's good. he doesn't mind the house being small. just enough for us.
but he wants plenty of space all around the house.
and he wants space for his cars haaha. enough to park 4.
some sort of shade for them,
a garage or something to protect the paint work from the elements, and birds.
leave the tree sap, water droplets or bird shit for too long,
they can actually, destroy the paint work. especially rain water.
the carbon fibre roof of his M6 had permanent water marks.
couldn't remove it at all cause bmw coated the roof with some substance.
heart pain. moody face the whole day. thats why a garage is veyr important.
to ensure the safety of the rest of us hehe.
dunno what does dad want now. not sure if we are gonna move or stay.
and if we do move, to where. it might really be as near as,
just carry the furniture about 20 units down the road ahahhaha.
or it could be really far. like opposite seletar farmway.
have no idea, seriously. i hope we dont move. its pretty sickening.
when you finally settled in, you gotta move again. spend time redesigning.
spend time cleaning up the new house. yeah its fun.
but its tiring and time consuming.
and 2 3 years down the road, its on to another place. nomads.
i wonder if our ancestors were mongolians. actually we should just stay in mongolia.
get a few of those tends. attach them to a truck each. just move when we feel like it.
oh, i am tired of this mountain. lets shift a couple of hundred KM that direction.
and you get a different mountain hahah.
dad once said. some people cant stand us being successful.
they just cant stand watching the lives of others improving while theirs remain stagnant. and then, they act like wet blankets. they are losers.
that sounds like inferiority complex. and yeah, i agree that those are losers.
those that have nothing better to do then to jeer at those who succeed in life.
if you have what it takes, work your way up the there.
dont jeer those that make it.
funny eh. some people just cant see others succeed.
they just have to disturb them, one way or another.
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 23:07
haiz, plans changed again. went over to Begona Drive.
checked out this house for sale. its 6000 sq ft going for 2.8 mil. wow right.
bank values it at 3.2 mil. saw the house then realised that previously,
the owner was asking for 4 mil. quite a run down house, probably 20 plus years.
judging from the design. plus no one really cared for the grounds.
continued driving around the area. saw some really beautiful houses.
they were around 8000sq ft. square plots. those at the top of the hill had a great view.
begonia, mimosa, saraca.
ok, was done with the area. headed over to this other place, the Ambience.
checked it out. cluster housing. yucks. quite small. 3000sq ft.
but the layout was a mess. so the space is actually quite wasted in a way.
the two other houses beside those were quite nice though.
seperate developers so we couldn't obtain any information. sad.
okie, now we are home, feeling really lazy. missing my girl.
looks like we have an editor for my blog entries.
see if i guessed your identity correctly, lets see if this would fish you out.
got caught in the rain. its 3pm now. think i shall head for the showers soon.
talking about that. found a nice design for the shower area.
had a weird dream last night. it was about his female ghost.
slightly longer than shoulder length hair, straight hair.
looks rebonded. distorted face. eyes were wider apart than normal.
one eye was higher than the other by about 5 cm i think haha.
cant remember the mouth. anyway, was using the toilet when she appeared.
tried to scare the shit outta me. became friends in the end.
she even helped me with 4D. no i dont gamble in reality. dont intend to.
was just thinking about something. some people like to think they are good.
that they are nice people, and that they are great followers of christ and his teachings.
hell to that for some i know. its fine to crack a joke.
not when its at the expense of another person. thats humilating to that person.
disgusts me when you joke about those you call friends in front of me.
find if you wanna evangelise your religion, dont put mine down.
its one thing to advise based on what you think it should be like,
its another to enforce your believes. the reason why you have got no friends.
isn't because you short list who to be your friends.
its simply because you disgust others.
they dont even wanna be linked to you in the first place. it was never your call.
think about it, you area a coward through and through. why tag with a nick name.
inferiority complex. putting on an iron front.
or simply taking pleasure in putting down
others who seemingly are weaker then you,
in the front of others. that doesn't make people think you are great.
anyone i meet that does this, my first thought. that person is pityful.
this is your own doing. dont blame anyone else.
i wanna visit dreamland.
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 14:52
haiz, no band prac, either i awol when there is prac or there is no band prac when i decide to be on the ball. so today isn't routine sunday. its boring sunday.
church and lunch is done. what shall i do. take a shower later on.
see if dad needs help with the pond before my shower.
scan through my com. see if there's anything i can do without, just delete them.
clean up my room a bit. do the puzzle. take a bath.
maybe read a bit. its a nice weather. cooling. dont feel like meeting anyone.
the weather is just too good hhahaha. feels so relaxed.
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 12:26
Saturday, October 06, 2007
tomorrow's gonna start early. attending mass with parents in the morning.
then lunch / brunch, depends on the timing and location i guess.
then head down to the CC. so i guess i would be damn early.
may be down at around 12. what shall i do there ?
switch on the aircons, all 5, weather's bad, room's gonna smell stale, as usual.
everytime i open the doors, it has this stale air kinda thing.
maybe the heat and the lack of ventilation in the room.
its not always used anyway. and its usually like this in this kinda weather.
ah, anyhow, its gonna be like that tomorrow.
set up my baby, polish a little, practice awhile, relax a while.
maybe read my book or something, get some music running.
its gonna be too quiet for my liking. then band prac. then pack up and dinner.
sounds routine right? take for example, sundays for me, if i do attend practices.
yet, everyday, we learn something new about those around us.
be it close friends or the hi bye friends.
if we realise, we are actually learning more about them, and ourselves.
take a moment to pause and think after interacting / observing someone, something.
you'll realise that you would have learn something new.
humans, always learning and adapting to changes.
afterall, thats how we survived for such a long time.
ok, bull shit column.
wohoho. so we all went out for dinner earlier on, marcus wasn't around.
ate at the chicen rice store opposite the Novena Church. love that church.
okie, anyway, ate alot. took a walk over to Velocity. boring place.
entered another part of the mall. melyvn was huh, wanna walk some more ah?
cause shirley and vanessa were like, wanna go look at shoes !!
melvyn, dad, martin and i ended up at Andersons for a drink.
Van, shirley and mother went shopping. came back with two shopping bags.
they returned on the first trip, dumped shirley's shopping bag with melvyn.
and they continued on with round 2 on the 2nd level. sian.
dad thought it was over, so he was like, okie lets goooo.
to our dismay, the women went off smiling. came back with mum's toys.
another pair of shoes, dun understand what's with women and shoes.
all the girls i dated, i still cant figure that out.
and we thought that was over. were so happy, we could finally leave.
then they decided to take a seat, and they ordered ice cream.
dad was like, oh no. so the guys continued chatting.
about army, how malu but technologically advanced ours is.
hw pro the isreali army is.
they actually planted a bomb in the phone of one of their targets.
gave the target a call, sending the signal to the bomb in the process to detonate.
cool eh. the brother in law was the one that sold him out, isreali informer.
bro's work puts him in some secret underground air base. Hermes.
so whenever any of us, of cause not parents, ask him about what he does.
he just goes, i ensure that you guys have a place to call home, propaganda.
was discussing with dad about a military dept we have, its called DSTAR.
basically what DSTAR does, it purchases the weapons and stuff like that.
like those novels and games we play. humans fighting the aliens.
then they have those science freaks in their own dept uniform. something like those.
then bro was explaining to us how and what's it like in a control room.
basically, there are many monitors, large ones, each person has his own, 1 or more.
each screen tells the person everything. and the person tells the troops what to do.
so it gives you the location of your ground forces, your navy, air force.
what is where, how many. even tells goes all the way down to the indivual.
satelite and this UAV. quite cool actually. its like playing starcraft.
only that this time, its with real humans, against humans.
its like what you see in those movies like, behind enemy lines.
black hawk down. man, tired, think i shall heaed to bed. tired. tired tired.
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 23:23