her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 00:09
Thursday, November 15, 2007
got this picture from a friend's blog.
reposted it here, with permission of cause.
thought it's really funny so here it is.

okie, i got my enlistment date.
a few more months. means i would be able to work quite a while more.
means i would be able to save more money.
means i would be wasting more time.
its time, to turn all the drafts into solid plans. overdue actually.
hmmm. to make a mistake is alright. to make the same mistake thrice.
that is not at all alright, its unpardonable.
that, i have done. silly. wasted quite alot of time.
aircon went down on tuesday night.
slept without it on tuesday and wednesday night.
decided to open the window beside me, let in the night air,
was so cold i had to use the blanket. had the fan running as well.
halfway through my sleep, like at 4, i woke up.
found myself facing the sky. saw some flashes. was like, whats that...
oh shit, reached out, shut the window, zzzzzzzz.
woke up at around 5. went to the toilet. realised that martin's bed was empty.
all that was left, was one of his pillows. then, i started thinking crazy.
cause the whole house was dark and all. was thinking like.
did some one take him away? is it aliens? are the rest of the family gone too?
hmm, shit, actually scared myself a little. after a while.
i told myself, what the hell la, find out tomorrow hahaha.
went back to bed. and i was late for work this morning. hate that.
marcus woke me up this morning. asked me to sign some insurance papers.
all i did was, huh? what thing? sign what? he just told me, insurance papers.
and i blindly signed it. come to think of it. all my wife has to do in the future.
if she wants to get some stuff transferred to her name haha.
is just to do the same. when i am still sleepy. everything is an ok.
if that happens, i'll feign ignorance. take for a holiday in china.
bump her off there. fly over to either hong kong or japan after that.
get myself a new gf. fly back to singapore, settle what ever there is.
any problem regarding who gets her assets. than bring my new girl back.
like how the ah beng would describe it. wa, steady bom bi bi.
apologised to her for shooting her off that day.
felt that, no matter how she spoke to me, being so rude and all.
i didn't have the right to tick her off. though i didnt use any vulgarities.
i felt that i was in the wrong to a certain extend.
sometimes, we gotta put ourselves in the other party's shoes.
feel how they feel. i know her story. therefore, i shouldn't have did what i did.
so yeah, i apologised. she just went nah, its ok.
surprisingly, she spoke differently to me after that haha.
softer than usual. more friendly and all. though the conversation wasn't very lengthy.
well, thats one part set right.
do i really have the guai face. hahah.
why does everyone express shock when i say i wanna do this or that.
things like, piercing my ear or tongue or the likes.
they always tell me, no wonder there's the saying, ren bu ke mao xiang.
you have sure a guai looking face, didnt think you as such. hhaha.
of cause they always laugh about it. deceiving eh? hahaha
oh well. what to do. i am mitchell li.
practice tomorrow. meeting up with some of the members.
practice makes perfect and its good that they are practicing too.
then its dinner, then home, relax, then jogging !
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 00:11
Monday, November 12, 2007
my new address. no la, just bored. so this pictures came about.

this is erm, i dunno who. from the mario game. martin's.

this is mario, martin's again.

dun ask me about the glass, its not supposed to be like that.
ship's mine. i'm the capiton. that's martin's reflection by the way, not mine.

played with the aperture again. this is just one of the pics.

as you can see. i was bored. life at home, is boring.
so i started taking this pictures while waiting for my lappy to start up.
and also while waiting for some other things, water heater etc.
ok bored bored bored. so i am here to blog.
sry if this paragraph is joined to the one above.
hope blog's working well again.
there's supposed to be about 4 lines worth of blank space inbetween.
ok, bought the reeds today. headed to the CC, practice with company.
met up with another pal after that. 3 of us had dinner.
they ate at mac, i didn't. dad packeted some food for me.
walked around amk hub, waste some time.
finally, after a while, the 3 of us took 169 back home.
met a junior on the way back. so far, i think 4 of my juniors stay in this area.
and there's quite a number of musicians living here.
saw a drum major walking home with his mace.
on my way home like at 20:20 i heard someone practicing their violin.
playing scales up and down then on to the next scale.
there are lotsa pianist here. and quite some band members too.
not to mention opposite the estate, there lives the proffessional bands.
did i spell proffessional wrongly? well they are wrong anyway. oops.
shit i really am putting on weight hahaha, i am gaining a tummy, YEAH.
gotta stop already though, before it gets too big hahahahah.
feels like jelly sometimes hahahah. like the guy i fought with on the bus hahaha.
jogged one big round around the estate last night, with yogi.
bigger than usual round. thighs are aching. gotta go again.
think wednesday night after work. thursday's an off day. so it would be good.
ah, prac on thursday again. gotta breeak in the reeds.
plan to rotate between two first. after 2 weeks, throw in the 3rd one.
i have 3 at this moment. one seasoned, two raw.
ok, i did it. brought up what we thought. our part's settled.
at least we did try. tried to prevent what we thought would be the outcome.
it doesn't matter whats the outcome actually. cause eventually it would go on.
its just the process. what really matters, is that we do our best.
its our responsiblity, we acted and we would still carry out our jobs.
help rub each other's backs. that way, we progress better.
feels better yet it also feels strangely embarrassing.
and there's the presence of another feeling. i can feel it but i cant identify it.
hmm well. shall not bother too much about it. work cant be mixed with emotions.
they hinder work. shall just sit and watch for now.
and when the time's right, we'll get to work. piece the puzzle together.
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 23:47
marcus was showing melvyn the macro lens earlier on.
took some pictures just to try it out. this is one of them. its really cool.
by the way, these are meal worms. martin's.
feeds them to the oscar in the pond, he named the fish, Osaka.

oh man, why do i seriously feel like its jumping the gun.
pushing the panick button before at the wrong time.
and like its all gonna be for nothing cause everything would be ok.
so pushing the panick button would be of no point.
i dont like leaving things to chances,
yet this time it seems like it would be ok to do so.
cause it seems like everything would work out fine.
anyway, the show would go on, it has to go on by hook or by crook.
hahah like Queen, the show must go on.
so yeah. its like worrying for nothing.
thinking too much about something that doesn't need any thinking.
even if its given the red light, i think i would still find myself feeling jittery.
i wouldn't be able to sit still. due to some pessimistic thinking,
i have already envision somethings happening during the process.
not very nice things for us all, but yeah.
approximately 6 to 7 weeks more. so far yet so near.
its always good to swing into action early right.
yet it would be horribly embarrassing to jump the gun.
heading to the esplanade then down to the cc tomorrow. later, actually.
gonna practice with a friend some pieces. performance this sat.
needa settle some parts. practice practice practice.
then meet up with another friend to discuss some other matters over dinner.
haiz. still thinking over it. it seems really wrong to leave it as it is.
yet it seems wrong to do it as well. shit, why am i deliberating like a girl. so sissy.
gonna get reeds tomorrow. hopefully they have it.
fresh reeds finally hahah. replace my current super old batch.
needa send my clar for maintance. something happened to the rings.
super horrible. thats what happens when you dun clean it dry.
the Bee Movie this coming sunday !! hahaha.
i am supposed to watch it with someone, come to think of it ahha.
guess i can always watch it a second time. haha. she's really cute.
i cant understand some things in life. most things actually.
and this is one of them. just because she was hurt by guys.
doesn't mean all other guys are the same. hate it the way she speaks to me.
never had someone spoken to me so brazenly.
got so pissed i shot back. really, its infuriating.
i really dun understand, why people cant face up to reality.
why people just love to generalise. why do they deceive themselves.
isn't it similiar to abusing herself?
not every guy who befriends you, has an ulterior motive.
its sad really. i feel angry at her, yet i feel sad for her. she really is a pityful creature.
to live in the dark and not search for the light that exists.
its pointless living that way.
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 02:30
Saturday, November 10, 2007
hmmm, hahah, since i introduced the cursor animation.
quite some of my friends tell me that they come to my blog
when they are bored just to have fun with the cursor.
then, i have this funny kiddish junior,
who's asking me to change this and that for her.
changed twice... in the end thrice... so now, the cursor is away from the animation.
250 on both X and Y axis. left top corner. anyway have fun.
shall change it soon. in a few days time.
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 00:38
Friday, November 09, 2007
saw two familiar faces at Junction 8 again today.
twice this week. was there with my parents and martin for dinner.
dad wants to get some printer cum scanner or something like that.
so we went there. look see look see. racky around, check out the various models.
helped him with the pond today. messy business.
melvyn was washing his car and we were doing up the pond.
opened the filter covers and stuff, dad went in, fixed the UV lights.
helped him install that and another bubble thingy. he's amazing.
he actually installed those there and then on his own.
played with the main power box, rewired this and that. stripped this wire.
fixed it into a water proof box with a few others. blah blah blah.
string the wires under the drain / filter chambers.
some went under the water in the filter chambers. test this test that.
and wa la, everything's done. every time i see him do this kinda things,
i would think to myself, how the hell does he know what goes where.
what to connect to what. and he does everything without any manual.
alot of aga-ra-tion also la, but it isn't that easy. and super risky.
one wrong move, and the kois would be floating.
its work tomorrow. back to work. finally.
been waiting, been counting. waiting and waiting. finally.
cant find a second job. never really tried hard enough guess thats why.
and its grandma's birthday this sat. gonna work, then head to the restaurant.
No. 3 / 4 / 5 and shawn would be getting her a cake hahah. actually.
we shouldn't get her a cake. should get her a bottle of cordon bleu.
attach a candle to the top, tie it or something. than light it like a birthday cake.
yup, shall do that the next round hahahah.
msged her today. things are really different.
felt kinda down when i received the reply. of cause we are now just friends.
i mean thats reality, and i know it. yet somehow, the feeling was like a punch.
was like "PONG" ouch. haha.
the friend now, is really different from when we were friends then.
lol. man, never thought i could be affected by such things. small things.
come on, this ain't mitchell. right ?
trying to get wilson and shawn for another get together.
its getting harder to get everyone together. just the 3 of us is tough enough.
everyone's getting busier and busier. not to mention, poorer haha.
ah, oh well, life's getting more and more uninteresting as the days go by.
time to take the path of a lone wolf ahahha.
okie, was at J8's dim tai fung earlier on.
saw a few hot bodies hahaha, wont comment on their faces.
anyway, yeah, hot bods. there was this girl with a really freaking hot body.
curves were where they should be and everything, it was phew, could feel the heat.
never seen such a hot bod like that for quite a while already.
my work place haha, if there was one good thing about my bosses,
its that they rented one super good location.
every now and then, there would be some pretty babes walking past.
either pretty faces or pretty bodies, never seen any with both :X
that only happens when i am looking at my girl. :P
beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder, none as perfect as the one.
the new sales fellow working in the next shop, is a girl.
same case, really hiao. eye candy. really irritating to my friend though.
and its gonna affect me too. not because i'll stare at her. just some other reasons.
wow, its really easy to type on endlessly about girls hahah.
shall stop here. hahah. i needa make a note. bring cam on sat :)
when the time is right, she'll be in my life.
it'll happen, some how. one way on another, it'll happen.
whoever she is, whoever he wishes her to be.
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 00:41
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
taken from the Peak

one of the pics taken from the hotel room.
growing collection of alcohol.

ok, for some reasons i cannot upload any more pictures.
so yup, kept the amount of pictures to a minimum.
a few of this and that. didnt manage to upload those take at the seafood area.
Sai Kung. shall see what marcus took, get some from him.
okie, some of the places i went to. sorry if i get the spelling wrong.
Mong Kok, Tsim Sa Sua, Lai Chi Kok, Sai Kung, Nyong Ping, Victoria's Peak,
Habour City, Canton Road, Langham Place, Times Square, One Peking.
a few other places which i didnt take note of, the names.
taxi drivers there drive the toyota crown, same as the old ones in SG.
but they work it like some kinda F1 race car. and they honk like its usual business.
think you got it bad here with the taxis? wait till you try the one in hong kong.
oh yeah, for those of you who are planning to take the cable car service
at Nyong Ping, its been suspended till further notice.
there's a bus service to the buddha statue somewhere there though.
the brain has reviewed its policies.
its a good idea to work with the other brothers. to build something.
the chop stick story. no man is an island. and alot of other teachings.
you know those kinda math questions in school?
11A) 1 man takes 20 days to build a house. assuming they are clones.
how many days does it take 4 men, to build the same house.
B) it takes 2KJ to build the house. who tires out first?
the one man show or the team.
ok, thats a crap question, kids will love me. but yeah.
therefore, brain concludes that it would be benefitial to the body
to work with the pack, and be the pack.
sigh, think me and this friend of mine are heading towards a quarrel.
smsing here and smsing there. and oh well.
its really disgusting, feels really horrible to quarrel with a friend.
actually, it feels so to do so with anyone.
than again, its what makes a relationship of any type stronger.
and i think i just injured my right muscle. same place as the left one.
cause now, it hurts whenever i turn left. equals out i guess.
there are a couple of other things that i wanted to blog about.
they are all actually my thoughts. like when i saw something,
and i started to thhink about it. that kinda thoughts.
i forgot what they are already though, hat a bummer.
everytime i tell myself i needa remember this one, i forget it in the end. sigh.
ok, why do i sound so depressed?
no its not because i finished sad love story today, the last part was not the sadest part.
actually i dunno if i sound depressed.
anyway, princess hours. yup just finished the first disc just now.
10 others to go. pretty fast i would guess. 1 disc, 2 chapters.
princess hours, incest hours, what the hell.
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 23:21