her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 14:54
Monday, January 21, 2008

saw this on their website.
was searching for a picture like these as my wall paper.
pretty cool looking actually.
earlier on was the first time i chatted with this friend of mine, on msn.
i cant recall having a chat with her on msn since we first met haha.
wasn't a long one neither was it a short one. fair.
had the chance to know more about her. so yeah, did just that.
i woke up at around 10am today and i didnt realise it.
went downstairs, saw dad and mum, switched on the tv, poured myself some water.
and they were gone. after about half an hour dad was back.
during that time, i was thinking to myself. wow. what a cool day.
thats strange. after looking around the house. i thought about everything again.
then i was like, what time is it? checked the time, 10 45am.
thought to myself, shit. woke up too early. and i am hungry already.
watched spidy man, ate a little, surfed the net for wall papers.
completed my to do list. then i started rotting.
2 plus i fell asleep on the sofa, was so hot la. woke up 2 and a half hours later.
took a shower and dinner. melvyn's gf was helping him sms dad.
i was helping dad to reply him. they were driving.
trying to coordinate where and what time to meet for dinner.
dad had to meet mum up first. sms, sms, sms, sms.
stopped at the junction. and i thought, that car looks familiar, so does the driver.
realised that dad's head was turning as the car made its turn.
hahahaha thats melvyn, haiya. diao la.
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 23:41
suddenly it dawned on me that he isnt living very happily.
like he should be much happier now that he has achieved so much.
so much has changed for the better already.
and for some reason i cant help but feel that something bad is gonna happen.
to be precise, i feel like death is on its way to claim him already.
not so soon, but not that far from now either. like a few years more. a decade?
i dunno, its just a really bad feeling i get at times.
i wonder what can i do. some times i feel like i know the answer already.
band was great. sight read alot of pieces, as usual, first practice after concert.
pieces were okie, quite fun, i really loved them ahahah.
think the hardest one was la forza del destino. got a little stressed at one part.
was trying to figure the notes out and at the same time,
trying my best to keep the rhythm.
when that phrase was over i was like, holy shit, thank God.
and then, another tough part decided to come. kk i admit it.
i hate the song hahaha. no la not hate. just dun really like it.
not because its tough. just that i dont really like that kinda piece.
verdi's piece actually hahaha. the other choice was a fun piece.
and i sturck the jack pot again haha. thought that 2nd clar would be a safe zone.
JACKPOT !!! i got the hardest part for one of the songs, so much for 2nd clar.
why like that de ??? every time sure pick some kinda hard part.
if only i can walk pass the 4D booth, and just like buy some numbers,
and wa la, 1st price. thats cool man.
oh yeah, as i was bathing today. i started day dreaming, in the morning haha.
the topic ? what would i do with 10 million dollars.
like if i won it in a lucky draw you know, or 4D or blah blah.
started thinking of alot of funny things. 1 to 2 million for charity.
1.5 million aside for a ferrari 599 fiorano. its 1.2 mil. 0.3 mil for maintainance.
thats like roughly 3 mil gone already. 1 mil for my aunty that side.
thats 4 mil burnt. 4 mil for a house of my own, i want lotsa ground.
thats 8 mil gone. 2 mil for business.
1 mil for what ever personal investment i wanna do.
the other 1 mil for the 4 brothers. hahaha sounds great eh. hahaha.
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 00:05
Saturday, January 19, 2008
attended sectionals on friday. was a nice experience.
made up my mind that since i am really free,
i would go back when possible to help those year 1s / 2s.
they had questions about the pieces they were playing but i couldn't attend to all.
its a nice feeling actually, to teach what i am sure of and watch them learn.
hmmm, didnt feel weird some how, when i returned.
decided to check out the other sections for some reasons.
been a while since i heard the band. stopped over at the saxophones.
they are a bunch of funny people. think they should be anyway hahaha.
cheeky some of them, naughty.
they did a near full wood winds combine for a couple of pieces.
one was Noah's Ark. and there was that problem for the " parade of the animals "
quite some of them do not know the story, much less imagine it.
thought a while, then i asked, who watched Ice Age 2?
the part where all the animals were moving towards higher ground.
there's the big and small, the tall and short, nimble and clumsy.
bassoon reminded me of this short, wide bony dinosaur with a tail.
everytime it walked its tail would swing left and right.
and it was a slow moving one, everyone was just overtaking it.
everyone's like the B.clar to me. faster and more nimble.
when they started reporting back to the room.
as they started to settle in their respective places, something very common happened.
that is, in most secondary schools, more often then in other types of bands.
primary school, external voluntary bands etc.
a few of them got together, at first it was like 2 or 3?
than a few more came in one by one. just slotted themselves in like that.
i just sat there watching them enjoy. was reminded of sec sch days there and then.
sort of like started to day dream. enthusiasm fuels learning.
and they are talented players. forgot to bring the cam, wanted to capture something.
oh well, next round perhaps.
quite some people have asked me that question or something like that.
i always reply them, nah not now or just a nope.
the next two years might be the deciding factor perhaps.
i am still pretty afraid of the stage actually. i am find with victoria already.
maybe its because we have performed there lotsa times already.
hmmm, another hall would be scary. i remembered sydney.
for a brief moment i just freaked out. i think it was at the opera house.
just trembled hahaha. oh well.
think i need some hard liquer before performance ahhah.
i wont drop from half a glass dont worry hahahahah.
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 20:58
Thursday, January 17, 2008

okie, finally pieced it together. stopped for a damn long time.
thought that a few certain pieces belonged to one area.
it was actually meant for another part of the puzzle,
thats why i couldn't piece the whole thing.
haha figured that out last night, after like dunno how long.
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 15:45
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
okie this is the X5. dad getting the wheels rebalanced.
wasn't done properly the first time. always produced some knocking sound.
balance the rims actually.

this is the balance check machine. spins the wheel.
tells u what weights to add and where. pretty cool actually.

new wider diameter rims on the Z4.
doesn't look fierce enough if u were to ask me.
doesn't look nice cause i got it at the wrong angle.

took these pictures a couple days back uing my hp.
the work shop is actually like behind cineleisure.
just beside killiney. we were like, what are we doing in town?
dad knows the place but we dont. dad changed's melvyn's rims.
got his adjusted at the same time.
hmmm, funny, my time is better spent when i am really busy,
as compared to days when i have nothing to do. like nowadays.
when i am busy, i always have lotsa activities coming in all the time.
when i am free, its dead boring, super slack nothing to do kinda thing.
it like, wake up, and before i know it, another day's gone kinda thing.
really boring, really a waste of time.
i cant sleep. been sleeping like at 4 / 5 am these few days.
the pass 6 days. around there. and i would wake up at 12 ?
not very good at all. gotta try and switch things back. bio clock's a mess.
and i declare myself a psp addict.
started playing need for speed most wanted, like 3 days back.
i am now at the 7th position. still a while to go. think i'll continue tomorrow.
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 00:54
Thursday, January 10, 2008

ok, finally i can post pictures. for some reasons,
i couldn't upload any pictures for the pass few days. and so i didnt blog.
not sure why. no particular reason. i just like this picture.
i like the red. its like looking at blood trapped in bags,
with a light shining from behind them. hahah just like it.
its actually japanese maple leaves. yup think its that. japanese maple.
okie super short post.
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 16:32
Sunday, January 06, 2008

car head lamps? nope. its actually the head lamp of a bike.
the honda CBR 1000. quite cool eh. one of my dream bikes.
alright. settled the psp. took the ceramic white. quite nice too.
baby pink was tempting but nah. really girly hahah.
got myself the 8gb card to go along. waiting for some games.
think i might take some pictures of gabranth soon hahah. yup.
and maybe the psp? though i have no idea why. but yeah.
then post them HEHEHE.
melvyn's asking whether we would like to go photo taking.
himself, marcus and i. no particular subject and no particular place.
pretty fun eh. cause then one would be free to exercise one's creativity.
if i say, subject's a car. then you would only be taking the car.
but if i say, subject would be everything. thats pretty different.
ok, something eerie happened earlier on, in the toilet.
i was taking my bath, like at 240am. thats 30 mins ago.
was enjoying the hot shower. was about to leave.
just that, 5 min more thing, when i heard a sigh.
it sounded pretty much like a woman's sigh. that was it man.
i hate bathing at this hour as it is. pitch black outside and the sigh had to come.
luckily i was soap free already. grab my towel.
opened the door reached for the switches. switched on like 4 lights at one shot haha.
came out of the toilet settle everything outside of the toilet hahah.
its really really freaky. especially the sigh ahhhh. its always a sigh.
dad heard the soft crying. i hear the sigh. like oh my gosh !!!
okie, shall turn in soon. please dont hurt me, pls pls pls.
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 03:02
Thursday, January 03, 2008
whats our purpose in life? i think alot of us often ask ourselves that question.
seriously, i have no idea whats my answer to that question.
or religious explanation to that question, so yeah.
i dunno, i just started to think of it while i was in toilet.
was like, hmm, eh, what am i doing here, what am i here for.
what on earth is man kind here for.
without us, the earth would be a better place to begin with. so random.
i saw a documentry on stars recently.
there's a theory that life owes has its origins in stars.
not the stars, what they call, type 2 super novas or something like that.
its just a bigger than the big bang theory explosion.
nuclear reaction / fusion within these stars creates calcium and all.
and when they go boom, everything goes all over.
to me it was an interesting documentry. watching those pictures, explanations.
and i learnt something new. haha. those "cloud" formations in space.
some nabular thing or some other similiar stuff?
they are such due to the atoms. lighter ones on top, heavier ones at the bottom.
according to gas section in the periodic table.
oh yeah, do forgive me if i am wrong, was a few days back. so yeah.
ok, that was random too.
nearly met with an accident today.
if it happened, including me, there would at least be 4 cars involved.
cause traffice was heavy, and everyone was just speeding.
me and a fellow learner, both in the left most lanes,
were trying to change to the right most lane. 3rd to 1st lane.
didnt see him brake, and i was speeding up to match the car on my right.
so yeah. turned in just like that. my fault. big careless mistake.
forgot to check the front. and i knocked down the pole again HAHA.
poor instructor had to pick it up, this round it wasn't raining so it ain't that bad.
i mastered my parkings today !! with poles of cause.
talking about parking. the X5 has this super cool system la.
it has this cam at the back like those on buses.
so whenever dad engages the reverse mode. the guide lines become active.
which ever way he turns the wheel, the lines react accordingly.
showing him the path he would take, and if he would collide into anything.
its more of a curve actually. the guide lines. different colors and all.
i love the X5, so my kinda vehicle.
save too. since i drive so recklessly. hahah. 3 more weeks !!
hmmm. aunty jenny told me twice already.
that when she took care of me, as a baby, i didn't cry like a baby.
instead, i sort of like wept, quietly. small sobs kinda thing.
like i was thinking of the past. and mourning it.
and aunt peggy would say, its like he remembers his previous life.
like he had a really hard time in his previous life.
some of my friends tried this, what does your birth month say about u,
thingy on facebook. so it popped up in my home page.
and i tried it. found it to be about 85% true. quite interesting.
go try it. and i getting a lavander color psp slim. when is it coming.
i needa game. i wanna game. star craft isn't enough anymore.
in fact, i feel like waking martin up now. ask him for his psp hahah.
i am bored, and i cant sleep.
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 01:47
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
okie, finally got my pictures from dad's lappy. the japan trip.
so some from the earlier part of the trip.
this little girl was playing around the fountain. and i wanted the fountain. so.

Britain? its universal studios Japan

yong tau fu in their mini mart, cool eh. and its hot.

yup, this is their kinda magazine

her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 00:36
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
Love each other or perish - Auden
its a pretty expensive day today haha. bought two dvds.
Flags of Our Fathers & Letters From Iwo Jima.
ordered a psp slim too. played martin's till i got a little hooked on it.
there's this game called war hammer. pretty draggy game. but i took a liking to it.
than there are others like medal of honor which looks pretty good.
tried this swat game on shawn's psp, didnt like it. so yeah. gonna search for more.
new year resolution. everyone's asking each other whats theirs.
is it that important to have one or to find out what's pals' ?
very weird huh haha. than again, to not have one would be weird to.
it would be like, to start sailing through the year aimlessly.
imagine a ship. after it leaves habour, then the crew starts to wonder.
hey, whats our heading, which port are we calling at next.
are we even gonna call at any port ? hahahaha.
i do have mine, but i would keep it to myself.
and no it doesn't include gunning down a few more babes before enlisting.
you can save my butt's getting pretty itchy.
thinking of getting No. 1,2,4 together with me. discuss something.
propose it to dad. we should start thinking of something now.
at least thats what i feel. it would take time to mature.
therefore, its better to start earlier. now is quite the time for the two of them anyway.
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 23:37