her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 21:21
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Enlistment Eve Special
no la, actually nothing special. LOL. just bored.
think i'll knock off at 12. wake up around 640. got to be there by 740.
get up an hour before, have a good hot bath. they dun have heaters in tekong.
and there i go, to tekong. to begin my, rite of passage, to be a man lol.
alot of female friends ask me if i am scared or nervous or what ever.
i reply them i cant wait for it, a little anxious and excited about it thats all.
and they are like, why? u are the first guy i heard this from blah blah.
reason is simple.
i believe we have to prepare ourselves mentally for any journey in life.
have the correct mind set before we embark on that journey. in a case like this.
hell, if you have 2 balls, or 1, and a normal penis, you gotta serve your time.
so why not, instead of counting down to enlistment day by whining,
crying father crying mother snuggling up to the girl friend and all,
count down by getting yourself mentally prepared in a positive way right.
i mean hey boys, its 2008, its not like during the 1980s or something.
where we hear stories from our fathers, digging trenches on botak hill during a storm.
hide in the trench with a zinc roof over ur head.
next thing u know, someone got struck by lightning.
or like they had to carry a bag full of rocks and chiong here and there.
this is the age where they say, aiya army, slack one la.
even the bloody artillery can pretty much deploy itself.
dun have to like, each leg a few people carry. guys break their legs because they slip.
they "legs" of the gun falls on their legs.
think about it, its way way way much easier and slacked then before.
so yeah, whin about what, do you still use a diaper?
and no i am not trying to act tough.
i have a few bros and cousins who went through it, so i roughly know what to expect.
and i thank them for that. especially No. 1.
yeah, he bought me a few items, check out below --
Black tape = its the repair all, anything loose / torn / whatever, black tape.
Rubber lining for dog tags = Prevents noise when in field.
Army Belt = he got it for me not knowing it was on the list, we have small waist lines.
Zip Lock bags = he got me quite a fair bit of it.
Advices = hell he is one "on" soldier. i could use alot of that.
lotsa funny advices like, if you can do 11 chin ups.
do only 7 at the start cause u need 6 to pass. increase by 1 every 2 weeks.
so it looks like theres progress on report, if not, stay back for extra training.
or this,
sleep in the next morning's attire, saves you changing time.
or this,
eat breakfast straight away run to toilet to bomb,
come out liao, toilet got one long line.
alot of other funny ones la.
alright today's dinner. had dinner at uncle lai's / aunty lucy's restaurant.
i mentioned Califonia Pizza Kitchen aka CPK before if you remember.
its at the Forum, near wheelock place. further down.
today, their chefs made pizzas according to MOG's recipe.
used the flour we brough back from the MOG's outlet in korea.
i mentioned that due to different water in both countries,
the results may be different too. so yeah, we tested it today.
quite good. No1, uncle lai and i shared the same views and preference
between the 3 different pizzas. i ate like one slice each from 6 different pizzas.
a few spoon full each from 3 different salads. 2 pieces of some crab dish.
as in the sea creature with 2 pincers. its really good. new dish. try it tsktsk.
tried out this nachos dish with spinach sauce.
2 different types of spaghetti dishes. one slice of salmon.
1 cup of coffee and about 2 glasses of water. hell, it was quite a spread.
for a while, i just felt like i was back in korea.
now the food is all gone, like just 3 hrs later.
my tummy is like flat already. actually an hr after the meal it went flat.
not that it swelled to begin with lol. i think i would be hunting for breakfast tomorrow.
alright, nearing 12, i shall stop here. take care my good friends.
and once again, thanks for every thing.
your treats your well wishes, everything !!
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 23:18
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
had a weird dream on monday.
i was staying in this estate that had a few rows or houses.
something like semi-Ds. our back yards were like,
tom cruise's house in War of the Worlds. between each row of houses,
there was an empty field of like 30 meters ? quite a big area.
in that dream, between my back yard and the other row of houses,
there was something like a night market going on. only it was day time.
there were people of every skin color living there.
so, the sky was pretty clear. the kids were as usual monkeying.
out of no where, a face appeared in the sky, cloud formation.
it was a female if i remember correctly, and everyone was like oooo wowwww.
a while later, to the right of it, another face appeared.
this time, the sky looked as though it was a canvas painting.
it was orange and red and ever changing as though the city beneath it was on fire.
the face was that of a male, and a single drop of tear formed in its right eye.
as it rolled off his cheek, he said, "children you'll be punished for your sins."
and then, his face distorted, lightning streaked across the sky all over.
his face went into a twirling motion, together with the tornado that was forming.
everyone started running, i ran in the house, closed all the windows.
i dunno why cause it wasn't as though it was raining.
and i just sat in the living room. weird though, the tornado didn't move haha.
and just like that, i woke up.
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 12:59
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
i have recalculated and have realised that its nearly impossible,
not impossible, but nearly impossible, to complete the wall before enlisting.
there would be 3 days from now.
given the lack of funding and time, its not going to be a quick job.
that however, gives me time to relook the whole project,
pick up what i have overlooked. like a dirty wall.
the selected frame and the picture, on a near white wall, looks great.
in fact, nice enough, that i may wanna use it for my own room in the future.
of cause, a different picture. i would say, the main problem, would be funding.
it would not be much of a problem for me to be active while serving NS.
i would still wish to carry out my duties.
maybe i should extend the project? do it, wall by wall.
i think the current wall is facing the east or the south. more towards the south.
that wall should take me at most 6 months to fully finish.
including getting the neccessary funding, searching of stuffs blah blah.
then to the wall on its right, and on and on and on.
its a dream. we have to have a dream to begin with anyway.
i learnt a new "game". it was taught to me by two female friends.
pretty guai female friends, its a cheeky kinda game.
its, shoot, shag, marry. you are given the names of 3 friends of the opposite gender.
for me, 3 girls, so i decide who i wanna shoot, shag and marry.
you get some really interesting answers.
maybe i am wrong, but girls are really practical lol.
and they get even more so as they grow older. like a relationship for example.
its really easy to trick girls in sec school, cause for them,
its just, say you love me and anything goes.
as they get older though, their thinking changes,
its not just do you love me but can you maintain my desired life style for me?
that kinda thing. again, i may be wrong. it sounds more on the materialistic side.
i am not trying to say that my two female friends are wrong for sounding practical.
in fact, i think it rather wise lol.
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 01:37
Monday, March 10, 2008
okie just to add on to the previous entry. okie, firstly, happy birthday Xiao Ting.
secondly, thanks to all my pals who in one way or another,
tried to come up with something as a "good bye gift".
be it asking me and the gang out for a night with some girls, tsk tsk,
or a simple dinner treat or what have you. thanks guys, really appreciate it:)
its great to have good friends around.
3rdly, it just hit me yesterday, actually saturday,
that i am left with just a few days before enlisting, yeah !! lol.
think i am gonna enjoy life in there. i dont mind the hardships i'll be facing.
i feel its a great opportunity for me to learn alot of new stuffs.
if not, to improve on alot of areas like character, people relations, team work etc.
learn to be even more adaptive to changes around me.
be it the people around me, the enviroment, or the duties thrown to me.
learn to be able to adjust quickly and accurately.
and also, as a form of exposure. yeah. as preparation for the real world in the future.
it nots always that i would have a nice superior.
so it would be great to have a bastard CO or something. bad is good.
interacting with new people, exposure.
works hand in hand with learning to be adaptive i guess.
the more you see, the better you are at adapting i feel.
anyway, thats just some of it. it like, back to school just thats it practical all the way:)
i wanna settle the damn wall before i enlist hahah.
its the top priority now hahah. settle the wall.
all of it is quite simple actually. there's only one thing i have not figured out.
how to clean the wall. use GIF on the whole damn thing?
seriously, i never cleaned a wall before. as in proper cleaning.
sucks, those shoe marks blah blah. how how how.
like those games, street fighter, mortal kombat etc.
4 days. think i would be able to sort things out.
once i have the green light to gain access to the pictures without his pressence,
then everything is settled.
( he wouldn't be in office tomorrow. and i wanna get it done ASAP )
oh yeah, learnt a new amercian military abbreviation from Gears Of War.
FUBAR = Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition
thats what happens when you dont practice your music,
and you attempt to make something out of it. it becomes FUBAR
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 00:23
Sunday, March 09, 2008
damn, so embarrassing. though he was nice about it i was like noooooooo.
screwed up big time for la forza del destino. like super big time.
see la, the consequences of not practicing. was not familiar with the score.
not just with the notes, but i mixed up the pages for the 2 stands.
thats really really not familiar at all. cant even substain the damn solo properly.
need to add petrol. i think premium or formula 98. dunno which one la.
the most expensive petrol at the kiosk can already.
ahhhh. so malu. and i am starting to wanna chew on something.
i wanna eat already hahaha. just a light snack.
maybe wanton mee or light soy sauce chicken noodles hahah.
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 22:08
Saturday, March 08, 2008

the contrast for this one wasn't very good. edited that a little.
not very sure about it, the wall in the back ground is becoming white haha.
anyway, she wasn't baring her teeth at something.
she was chewing on her dog treats.
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 22:51
okie, mine wouldn't be a 27 yet.
dad's waiting for the 2nd alphabet for the number plate.
then it would be in line, at least for me melvyn and marcus' cars.
right now, the last alphabets are A B C P. dont think it would be a D for mine.
brrgggh. got to wait. everything also must wait.
we spend so much time in our lives waiting for things to happen.
boring and irritating. brggghhh brgggghhhhh.
6 more days, i cant wait !!! hehe
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 00:28
Friday, March 07, 2008
yesterday was a sleepy day. as usual, woke up around 9 or 10am.
xbox 360. just the normal slack routine. went out for lunch at 1130.
bought No. 1's spare chopper parts, got some other stuff done, had lunch.
collected the Z4 from Russel's shop,
he does the polishing / waxing / washing for our cars, not every other day though.
hmmm, collected the extra key pouch from PML Alexandria.
and it was around 3 30 when me and No. 1 reached home. slacked a bit.
prepared my stuff, went online, and i fell asleep lol.
cant remember what time i woke up. missed dinner, ate packet food.
watched meet the spartans, its a crap show, cheapo show.
pretty funny. i wouldn't pay to watch that in the cinemas though. crap show really.
and today, i think the plans are screwed again.
cause i have not received a reply from him yet. think he is still sleeping.
darn. wait a while more.
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 13:39
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
hehe, stole these from No. 1's photo webbie.
he doesn't have alot of pictures in there, and the site isn't very user friendly.
that didn't stop me though hahaha.

her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 23:56
okie something really crappy. got bored. so this fellow came up haha.

alright man, she's here, the latest addition to the fleet.
the 335i twin turbo. crazily powerful car. which we all unanimously agree,
would be really dangerous with No.2 as its driver.
and no, the maid doesn't get to lay a finger on the car,
she wasn't gonna wash it.

her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 00:13
Monday, March 03, 2008

okie this is for experiment. edited here and there.
first picture with the most editing. used phto adobe elements.
as usual, it looked pretty okie on the cam screen.
on the com, it turned out different. so yup, tried editing.
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 21:30
as expected we are shifting house again. just when only.
its always like this, about 3 years and we are off to another place again.
this round though its gonna be quite weird and comical.
we are shifting like 20 over units down the road hahahah.
its a bigger place, but there isn't the jungle for the dogs to run around anymore.
it would be a wall instead of a fence for the back.
reason being, they would be building bungalows behind after all these are done.
so yeah, no more play ground. poor girl.
and as you guys can see.
the blog is getting closer to what it was before my hands got itchy.
one entire section of quotes is gone, and so are alot of links.
makes the left column alot shorter. changed the color of the divider to black.
that would camouflage it with the back ground, instead of those white dots.
took away the main headers, those 'links', 'archives'.
i dont find it neccessary. just one look and you can tell whats what anyway.
its pretty obvious hahaha.
hmmm, got tired with that rebelious look i guess.
found a real shift in taste towards the "guai" look.
it was always there, only that now, i really go for it.
it used to be 3/4 for it and 1/4 for the other kinda thing.
does have its benefits to have that guai look and to dress like it.
gives people a good first impression. notes n wheels.
i now need a picture of a car. that picture above the FCUK.
its actually the head lamp of the 545i, what they call the angel / eagle eyes.
335i is ready for collection this tuesday. think i would be following them.
maybe i could use the picture of the 335i for the blog.
i want another picture for the blog at least.
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 04:35
Sunday, March 02, 2008
alright the blog is screwed, i messed it up.
it now looks super empty. which i am finding weird.
shall continue with it tomorrow.
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 00:15
Saturday, March 01, 2008
hmmm, sometimes i feel like a liability to the team.
cause its a team thing, it can only be as strong as it weakest link.
so yeah, some times i feel bad about it though i dont say it.
this isn't for any particular reason, just felt like blogging it.
and yeah, the reason for the change in blog add, again,
is because i dont want my family members to read anything here.
phew tiring day. alright cheers readers :)
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 20:38
No. 1 is on crutches. removed some stuff from his leg, ankle area.
doctors have no idea what is it, looks like teeth actually.
anyway, they are running some test on some of it.
they gave him 5 of the "teeth" that they extracted. was near the bone.
and he slipped while climbing up the stairs just now. tiring for him.
did the MRI scan on friday. need to get something to show the army.
some evidence that i have a muscle tear, according to the family clinic doctor.
reason i am getting it done actually is, i dont wanna aggrevate the wound.
its really weak already, as it is. cant carry my bag on that side for like 30 mins?
i'll have this really tired kind of feeling.
anyway, they used this machine thats like a ring. just imagine a pipe.
guess its about 1 meter in external diameter.
you lie on this "bed" and it carries you into the ring. you cant carry anything metal.
and you cant have any inplants in your body that's metal.
so it means that there would be very strong magnetic force fields. hmm.
how does that work in "seeing" through the body, 3D,
in different layers and cross sections.
i mean, thats the only logical reason for a ring, to be able to view in 3D.
so when the machine starts, hell its LOUD. produces a few different beeping sounds.
there's beh beh beh, doo doo doo, and the drilling one like doong doong doong.
thats just 3 of it, sometimes they are mixed up together.
the lady was like, i'll throw a blanket over you cause it would be cold.
at the end of it, 20 to 30 mins, the vitamin E or C pill she used as a marker,
melted cause of my perpiration. it was freaking warm.
and i had to stay still, in that small little area,
with my eyes blind folded cause of the lights. no choice. kept twitching my toes haha.
the specialist that arranged the MRI was F-ed up. the way he phrased his sentences.
it was like he was implying that i was trying to get an easy life in NS,
and that he knew those were my intentions, and i was using muscle tear as an excuse.
my dad got pissed naturally, and haha, he raised his voice by a couple of decibels
"i just want to err on the side of caution, thats why we brought him here.
we dont want a case whereby the wound is further aggrevated due to training."
and the DOG kept quiet after that. docs should learn who provides their food,
and not bark around any'o'how.
okie, my Zara Jeans is like half way under the "decomissioned" section.
at the first, the right back pocket zip handle, broke off. 2 weeks before the trip.
during the trip, 3rd day, the main zip handle in front broke off.
because of that, i had to use my other jeans for like 4 days. yucks. what to do.
haiz. thats it, no more Zara. now why 50%?
i would most likely be bringing it to a tailor, get it fix. change the zipper.
and if possible, remove the zippers on both back pockets.
where ever i get in dad's car with that jeans, i cant sit in peace.
cause it the handle scratches or causes a depression in the seats,
man i dont even wanna think of the consequences haha.
I DROVE THE Z4 !!! HAHAHAHAHAH from the kampong arang road,
thats behind the old Dunman High Sec, all the way back home. hahhaha.
we took the TPE cause dad said it was a more straight forward route.
cruised along at around 90 to 100. quite fun hahah.
not an easy car to drive, but its a damn fun car.
its small and its powerful, making it easy to overtake and squeeze into gaps.
anyway, reason was because, the car was ready for collection.
No. 1's still recovering from his op, and so he cant drive.
and, dad doesn't wanna leave the car in the workshop for too long.
No. 2 is working. so that just leaves, me ! HEHEHE. so yeah.
dad led the way, i followed behind hahaha.
couldn't keep the car travelling in a straight line.
always veering slightly to the right or left. No. 1 was like, ya, same problem at first.
and the rear view mirror, you cant see much for nuts.
the rear window is like, damn small and the roof is low, so you see mostly the road.
as in, the road and the tires of the car behind you. cant see much.
checking of blind spots, i did that twice only, realised i couldn't see anything.
cause the side pillars blocked like almost everything.
everything's just based on the wing mirrors. also which, you cant see much ahhah.
cause the car is wide, and the mirrors are slightly smaller than usual.
other than that, its wow wow wow. front's long.
was a little worried about that when cornering.
and i couldn't adjust the air conditioning cause i didn't
wanna take my eyes off the road for too long. so i made a mistake.
turn up the temperture instead of the fan power. so it became a little warmer.
switched on the radio and it was chinese. i was like wth.
never mind, just drive, forget the radio ahahahah.
they are all like, mitchell, you cannot mod the honda hor.
if not blah blah blah, harder to sell, blah blah blah, waste money, blah blah blah.
they just dont get it when i tell them, i prefer stock and i dont have the money hahah.
anyway WTF, i am enlisting 14 march and its ready for collection on the 15 of march.
her terrible boy horribly blogged @ 01:45