what a spread!! hahah
bought back chicken rice and chicken.
aunt made the gnaw hiang. ah ma fried it. damn nice !!
my dear ah ma...
thats their maid siti. they taught her how to cook hahah.
yes i was at my favorite aunt's place.
ah ma stays with her too. as my blog's lao jiao would already know.
anyway, went there. slacked a while.
went down to NYP, shall come to that later.
went back to her place. had dinner together. haha.
love dinner over there. its really shiok.
grew up on it, the first eleven years of my life. hahah.
went back to play for the alumni band.
just there in response to my friend.
she said they needed players for the clarinets so i said ok.
sarah jane and fahmi was there as well, to my delight. lol.
sarah's still hyper energetic, fahmi still himself.
one common change? their hair styles.
they both look more hip thought i think sarah's previous hair do was better.
zaidi was there too. and quite some of those that went for the previous WMC.
oh yeah, they are taking part in this year's WMC as well, 1st Div.
would i get a chance to meet them? not sure but i do hope so.
play against them? that would be interesting and yes i would love that as well.
hope to stay at the same hostel. wanna visit the nearby monastry again.
oh, the alumni band conductors? 3 of them. though only 2 were around today.
Keith and Gavin. wait, let me correct that.
keith... ... ... and Gavin. okay. that looks seems more like it.
had no idea what was i playing a third of the time.
upon request, by the woodwinds, the 6 beats was still done in 2 groups of 3s.
cause the conductor himself got the beats mixed up from time to time.
thats why they requested it done that way. it never was corrected. hahaha.
pretty fun interesting though. realised there's changes in fahmi's playing.
in zaidi's as well. then there's another live wire behind me called Sheila.
she plays the horn. she looks really demure but she's really, cranky hahah.
okay at least from all that laughter i hear. fun people. they spice up the lives of others.
then the two blokes in front of me, each taking their turn at a time to be laughed at.
i mean seriously hahah, the lao jiao wood winds beside me were giggling away.
oh guess what. nearing dismissal, during debriefing.
sarah took out her dad's Olympus cam and started taking pictures.
yeah, like what the hell? hahah. so she got a shot of me and fahmi.
and none of me, i dun like that, so she had none of me alone.
k. hope she comes online tonight. can get the pic from her.
what else? there simply too much to blog about.
oh yeah, eileen gave me a pad on the back which was more like a slap.
it hurt. why? cause i went MIA from nyp band for such a long time.
hmmm. abandoned the thought of washing my car.
initially planned to give it a rinse like around 2130hrs.
the wind was cold and blowing hard though. k sounds wrong. nvm.
gave number 1 a call. same at where ever he was. i think woodlands.
so yup, gave up the idea. maybe heading out later anyway.
gonna meet meiting for supper? no idea. thats a big maybe.
oh she's my senior, so yeah,
dont think otherwise but a meeting between two friends.
she was the one that asked if i would play.
vanessa found the packet of three condoms, in my drawer.
was looking for her calculator that martin "borrowed".
guess what, she told everyone. so, over lunch between me dad and martin.
i was like, whats all these gay thing about?
then dad said, she found condoms in ur drawer.
and i said, in the jungle need to use mah.
and dad said, wa ur screw each other in the jungle?
i was like wa lao eh, no luh. collect water luh.
after a few more dirty jokes, alot of laughter,
and after alot of effort to swallow the food.
i settled the problem. apparently, during a smiliar incident before enlisting.
sister found a box in my drawer as well, YEEEKKSSS